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7970/50 Arctic Accelero Users

12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Sorry man, I've been scouring the net trying to locate some for you.

Yeah ive done the same, all i can hope is that a fellow accelero user sees this and was one of the few that didn't use the glue and went with the tape. Thanks anyway.

What will be gutting is if i see you post back saying you tried the glue and it didn't stick so you used tape anyway. :D
18 Aug 2005
Nah, I'll let it set for 24 hours. From the pictures I've seen of it you have to cut the packets and mix it all up? So surely you end up with some waste at the end? :\
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Nah, I'll let it set for 24 hours. From the pictures I've seen of it you have to cut the packets and mix it all up? So surely you end up with some waste at the end? :\

Yeah there is plenty there, probably enough for two applications if the stuff lasted that long without forming.
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
IMO they supply it with the card for a reason!

The glue sucks like an old GI's good time buddy, imo, it's messy, may fall off and time consuming, whereas with tape, do it right and nothing falls off but you might get a few c higher on your temps.

AC changed from the tape 'that fell off', to the glue, 'that falls off', despite me using a heatsink and the provided pre-applied tape from a 5870 vram heatsink Extreme on a 5870>6950>7950, that's 3 different gpus using the same original tape that AC decided to change due to community feedback.

I presume they 'fell off' due to botched installations, i.e not cleaning the vrams with an eraser good enough for the tape/glue to stick over time.

I put the info up ages ago about cleaning the vrams properly, then do it again, then again, and again to ensure proper 'clean' contact with the tape, from my 5870 Extreme thread:

My advice on installation is:
Take your time, don't rush it!
All screws came off easily.
Make sure you rub off the ram sinks with an eraser, then do it again, again and again.

Also AC has much improved the ram sink adhesiveness, these are now rock solid and won't come off. They must have listened to all the complaints!
In regards to the older AC Accelero II tape.

I must add though that over time, a few members have used the Akasa tape and they didn't get on with it and moaned at me for recomending it, but I'm adamant they never cleaned the heatsinks well enough for the tape to stick(not that I got into a 'kiddie greeting' match with them about it;)), as each time I muck about with the cooler, the heatsinks don't come off easy, I have to rock them off as the tape is solid when done right, but I have done many installations of many AC's/Zalmans/'tacky no name custom botch jobs' for the meanies, over the years.

Good luck with the job Taken, take your time and don't rush it, I'm sure you will have fun after the panic leaves you!:p :D
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Its a shame ocuk only sell one type of tape, they have naff all in the way of non permanent adhesives as well.

I bought some of that Akasa tape Taken after tommys advice, i stuck one heatsink on with it and it really does stay stuck on, you can knock it and it wont fall off.
18 Aug 2005
I have my bare card infront of me now. I think I'm ready to mix the G-1.

I have only applied the Insulation tape to the Line of VRMS at the back of the card, and the very tiny pair that sit together at the front of the card. I also put insulation tape along the side of the black square blocks to the left of the VRMS. Is this correct?

There is a lot of insulation tape left over..
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I have my bare card infront of me now. I think I'm ready to mix the G-1.

I have only applied the Insulation tape to the Line of VRMS at the back of the card, and the very tiny pair that sit together at the front of the card. I also put insulation tape along the side of the black square blocks to the left of the VRMS. Is this correct?

There is a lot of insulation tape left over..

Sounds good, the rest can be kept spare. I lost mine after the first install. :p
18 Aug 2005
Well, all the sinks are on :o

I've got some on the board in places where it goops out from under the sinks. It's non conductive so shouldn't be a problem?
7 Aug 2012
If you sell me your glue ill buy you some thermal tape. The tape is quicker and easier to use, plus the heatsinks have no chance of falling off. I'm sure tommy can confirm this. However im a strange fellow and use the glue, however i need a bit more but can't find any to buy. The only place you can get it is from new Accelero customers, or old ones who didn't use it.

Sadly arctic stopped producing it because it had bad feedback from the community saying that it doesn't stick and provides poor thermal adhesive qualities. I asked Arctic themselves, G1 is no more Taken. :(

Hmmm... mines came with 2 small sachets of a white and grey adhesive that you had to mix. Is that the G1 or the thermal adhesive?

I kind of need to know as I intend to remove the cooler to add a water block which is already on its way.

I had no idea that they shipped with 2 different forms of thermal compound and assumed that the heatsinks could be removed easily as it said in the product description. I will be contacting Arctic if it turns out they have sold me a product which they claim to be removable, but instead with the thermal adhesive which turns out is non guaranteed to be removable!!!

Can anyone tell me which I have used?

EDIT: Looking at the technical data, it would appear to be to my relief the G1 'glue' that was supplied to me. I was in panic mode reading further up!

Just to add, I am not replacing the Accelero because it is a poor cooler - it is actually a fantastic cooler (although I haven't been happy with the VRM temperatures). Virtually silent all the way up to around 70-80% and barely audible above that. But I decided to give myself a wee water cooling project and seemed to make sense to include the gpu in the loop as well. Wish me luck. Might not get time until nearer end of month however.
Last edited:
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Hmmm... mines came with 2 small sachets of a white and grey adhesive that you had to mix. Is that the G1 or the thermal adhesive?

I kind of need to know as I intend to remove the cooler to add a water block which is already on its way.

I had no idea that they shipped with 2 different forms of thermal compound and assumed that the heatsinks could be removed easily as it said in the product description. I will be contacting Arctic if it turns out they have sold me a product which they claim to be removable, but instead with the thermal adhesive which turns out is non guaranteed to be removable!!!

Can anyone tell me which I have used?

EDIT: Looking at the technical data, it would appear to be to my relief the G1 'glue' that was supplied to me. I was in panic mode reading further up!

Just to add, I am not replacing the Accelero because it is a poor cooler - it is actually a fantastic cooler (although I haven't been happy with the VRM temperatures). Virtually silent all the way up to around 70-80% and barely audible above that. But I decided to give myself a wee water cooling project and seemed to make sense to include the gpu in the loop as well. Wish me luck. Might not get time until nearer end of month however.

Is it too late to ask you to use thermal tape instead of the Glue? I'll buy you the thermal tape if you sell me the glue. ;)
15 Jul 2012
I used Akasa tape, it works. :p Didn't want to mess about with glue, but cutting the pieces of tape was also really tedious without nails. :D
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I used Akasa tape, it works. :p Didn't want to mess about with glue, but cutting the pieces of tape was also really tedious without nails. :D

That is a great endorsement for the tape, the small contingent of tape supporters (currently tommy and brian) let out a small roar of approval.

Sell me all your glues plox. :)
18 Aug 2005
Matt I saw your picture higher up in the thread. You haven't missed putting a heatsink there as there is NOTHING to stick the heatsink to. All that is there is a solder joint where a regulator is missing.

Must be something AMD changed on the cards.
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