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7970/50 Arctic Accelero Users

18 Aug 2005
That is annoying Matt :(

On another note, got home for lunch. Booted up pc.. locks up with black screen. Won't boot.

So I removed the card and took the cooler off. A couple of the heatsinks were too close to some electrical parts at the top left of the card. So I gently moved them across slightly.

Starting to regret fitting the cooler now!! I've just played ten minutes of FarCry 3 without issue. But only time will tell if I've fluffed this install.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
That is annoying Matt :(

On another note, got home for lunch. Booted up pc.. locks up with black screen. Won't boot.

So I removed the card and took the cooler off. A couple of the heatsinks were too close to some electrical parts at the top left of the card. So I gently moved them across slightly.

Starting to regret fitting the cooler now!! I've just played ten minutes of FarCry 3 without issue. But only time will tell if I've fluffed this install.

I know Taken, i bet they will deny it now as well. I've sent them the link to that thread incase Daniel tries to deny it. I'm going to badger them and hope they pull their finger out. Gits!

What were your temps like? If you have sleeping dogs id advise on having a good long go on that.

If the card works now then im sure you'll be ok, but moving those heatsinks will probaly cost you at least a few c. If it was the GDDR heatsinks, or the heatsinks on the left of the card, i wouldn't worry too much.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I'd be interested if all of my Accelero brothers could post up some of their gpu/vrm temps while playing sleeping dogs for 30 minutes. Vsync on, 1080p or 1440p, highest possible settings but SSAA on High instead of extreme. If you could leave you card on stock voltage, or as close to that as possible, run clocks of 1125/1563, or as close to that as possible so i can compare my temps.

This is what i got


I have to say the vrm temp is mostly between 72-74c. It goes up to 75c in daytime at one specific part of the second city. Not sure why, maybe that part is very heavy on the compute SSAA. Anyway if anyone could take the time to post their results, id be grateful. :cool: THE FAN RPM and Voltage reported are both incorrect. I've noticed that HWINFO never reports the correct values for these. My voltage was 1.112 in afterburner.
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12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I'll see what I can do about SD temps, though I can't get anywhere near my rig right now, between my boy being cracked up with Minecraft and the leash round my neck right now as the missus is still on holiday and stays up later than usual, it may be a while.:eek:

Damn i thought you were about to share a kinky bondage story with us. :p

Sleeping dogs temps whenever you're ready mate.
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7 Aug 2012
I'd be interested if all of my Accelero brothers could post up some of their gpu/vrm temps while playing sleeping dogs for 30 minutes. Vsync on, 1080p or 1440p, highest possible settings but SSAA on High instead of extreme. If you could leave you card on stock voltage, or as close to that as possible, run clocks of 1125/1563, or as close to that as possible so i can compare my temps.

This is what i got


I have to say the vrm temp is mostly between 72-74c. It goes up to 75c in daytime at one specific part of the second city. Not sure why, maybe that part is very heavy on the compute SSAA. Anyway if anyone could take the time to post their results, id be grateful. :cool: THE FAN RPM and Voltage reported are both incorrect. I've noticed that HWINFO never reports the correct values for these. My voltage was 1.112 in afterburner.

Which program is that you are using for monitoring Matt? I only use gpu-z and hwmonitor (which looks similar, but doesnt have as much gpu details).

If you can link me to that program I will give it a shot at those setting over weekend and post results in here.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
That is using HWINFO Fire. :)

I'm playing sleeping dogs again, since its been a week or so since i ran those last temps. I think my temps may have dropped a few c, i will repost my results shortly.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom

I seem to have gained a few C by changing my top 200mm fan round to one that runs 100rpm faster. Moving my two pci-e cables away from the card, they come down from above at angle, previously they were coming in front of the 3rd fan, possibly blocking some of the air.

Finally i unscrewed the card from the bracket as i wanted to make sure that no heatsinks had slipped off. They hadn't but when i screwed it back in i pushed up against the fans and i noticed that i had much less slant on the pcb this time. Maybe that made the difference i don't know, but one of those three things has knocked 4-5c off my temps. 71c was the peak this time before it dropped lower, but before the peak was 75, this time it spent most time between 67-69c.

That seems pretty good to me, will see what you guys come back with. This was with the Accelero at 100% and my two 200mm fans at 100%. All those still sound much quieter than the reference fan at 50%. Room temp was 25c.
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18 Aug 2005
Matt.. I think you should take a look at the Fujipoly Ultra Extreme System Builder Thermal Pads. These look like they'd work well.

Not sure how sticky they are though? I used a hairdryer to warm the adhesive up last time I removed ram sinks.. I haven't had the Fujipoly stuff though.
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18 Aug 2005
1.5mm is too thick for the stock cooler from what I've googled.

We'd probably be best off with 1mm, I don't know if you can get it over here. From what I've read it's used in laser PCB applications :D

Order some from the states and have a play!
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