The GTX 680 us clearly the best card right now, even according to the review you posted its the performance per watt king.
According to every other review, its the definite performance king too. I still want one, plus it does physx and 3D vision.
So you cherry pick one part of the review and then declare the 680 the winner !
Nice one, why didn't I think of that?
Do you know what's hilarious? Not once have I said the 7970 is better. And I could, because in over 70% of those tests it beat the 680 by a couple of frames.
But no. I am not making such claims, as they would be stupid and untruthful.
As for Physx? go and do some reading on Havok. If you are going to come here and try and tell me things please, make sure you are armed with the facts. Years ago AMD and Intel became interested in Havok and were going to invest tons of money into it. It's basically dead similar to Physx.
However, they both soon realised that it was a waste of money and time, as it would not adopt into the mainstream. Nvidia, however, have carried on throwing money at it in the hope it will give them the edge.
It hasn't. Infact, I've seen Havok used in more games than I have Physx. All of the Fallout and ES games use it, so does Just Cause and JC 2, and so on.
So honestly, I suggest you really stop the straw clutching. Nowhere have I gone on and on about how the 7970 is better, just that there is far more to this than the couple of reviews you read before blowing £400.
I'm not even saying the 680 is bad. It's bloody fantastic ! a really good card from Nvidia. However, what I don't want to hear is that it is better than the 7970 because the fact is it clearly isn't.
That is the part I will take issue with. Infact, so wrong do I find those biased reviews that I am now rather upset at seeing people selling their 7970s for a huge loss to replace them with a card that is pretty much exactly the same.