84 Confirmed dead after another apparent terrorism attack in Nice, France,

25 Nov 2004
On the road....
Stopped at a set of lights this evening in Warrington, a car pulled up along side me and the passenger asked if I'd any intentions on mowing down a large number of people!?!

She seemed to think it amusing!?! - I'll probably get reported for my retort back to the silly bint, but just WTF?!?
16 Jun 2013
Stopped at a set of lights this evening in Warrington, a car pulled up along side me and the passenger asked if I'd any intentions on mowing down a large number of people!?!

She seemed to think it amusing!?! - I'll probably get reported for my retort back to the silly bint, but just WTF?!?

WTH :confused: :(.

"No but I'll make an exception for you"

Although I must ask what was your retort?
25 Jul 2003
By accounts of those who knew him he wasn't a follower of Islam.

Bouhlel's uncle also gave an interview saying his nephew was not a practising Muslim.

Speaking from Tunisia, Sadok Bouhlel said: "He doesn't do prayers. He doesn't observe Ramadan and he eats pork.

"He is likely to be isolated. He never went to the mosque and he has no consideration for the values of Muslims.

"He is a single person in a state of depression, despised by his wife.

"They (Islamic State group) found this opportunity, they seized it. They are hunting people.

"As soon as they found a man with a weak personality and who needs counselling, they take him on."

I'd say its more like an opportunist attack by ISIS. Does that make it an islamic terror attack? I don't know for sure, but it might just be a semantics argument.
29 Jan 2008
that is just the old... he wasn't pious enough therefore 'nothing to do with Islam' excuse...

I'm sure there might well be other factors involved here like depression, mental health issues but there is also seems to be a concerted effort to try and play down and Islamic links after these attacks, perhaps in some sort of misguided attempt to stop support for far right groups - some idea that if everyone is thinking 'you're not a real muslim bruv' then everything will be fine. But really I think it is just a form of denial and is counterproductive to reform if the prevailing attitude is simply to try and distance Islam from any of this instead of acknowledging the obvious issues.
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28 Nov 2003
By accounts of those who knew him he wasn't a follower of Islam.

I'd say its more like an opportunist attack by ISIS. Does that make it an islamic terror attack? I don't know for sure, but it might just be a semantics argument.

Semantics for sure, and already on the list of excuses someone helpfully created under something akin to "Not a *PROPER* Muslim ;) He certainly wasn't a Methodist, Catholic or Presbyterian follower. He was corresponding with IS and acting upon their will.
29 Jan 2008
same question to you.
in which way was he a follower of islam?

that was his religion, that was what he identified as, that he wasn't as pious enough in the eyes of some or that he had an interest in what we say is an extreme interpretation of it doesn't stop him from being a muslim any more than claiming an IRA member who hasn't been to mass or confession for a few years and has just blown up a load of innocent women and children is supposedly not a catholic

he believed in Islam, he searched jihadi websites prior to the attack - it was an extremist Islamic ideology that motivated him
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