9/11 do you believe what you've been told?

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If anyone thinks any of ennog's points have any merit, I'll debunk them. Otherwise, it's just a waste of my time.

Ok the American goverment have admitted they have no proof Bin Laden did it. Bin Laden himself denies it. Nobody has claimed responsiblity for it. Who do you think done it?

Debunk this

Some of the alleged 9/11 "suicide hijackers" are still alive and well, according to the BBC and The Guardian. Some have even been interviewed on TV.

There were warnings of the impending attacks from at least 17 other countries.

Bush said he saw the first plane impact the towers before he entered the classroom. This was impossible as footage of the first crash did not emerge until the next day.

Nothing hit the 3rd building so why did it collapse in minutes? Why did it collapse like a controlled demolition?

Lol I think it is best to say some people believe the offical story and some don't. As you have guessed I don't.
How did any of these pilots see the planes before they hit to know how they were flying? Were they flying at a tilt or anything :D

From what I re-call, it comes from the approach direction of the aircraft towards their intended targets, and the late manoevures by the aircraft to hit their targets.

The aircraft that hit the pentagon, is apparantly meant to have overshot the pentagon, turned 180 degrees fairly quick and strike the only section recently reinforced agaisnt such an attack.
From what I re-call, it comes from the approach direction of the aircraft towards their intended targets, and the late manoevures by the aircraft to hit their targets.

The aircraft that hit the pentagon, is apparantly meant to have overshot the pentagon, turned 180 degrees fairly quick and strike the only section recently reinforced agaisnt such an attack.

So it's not impossible to do it then or are these just theories as well?
Gah, not this thread again.
The real experts who are actually qualified and capable of assessing the evidence are completely satisfied that there's no conspiracy. And that's good enough for me.

No they are not. Do your research and see how many physicists, demolition experts, military experts, pilots etc question 9/11.
How did any of these pilots see the planes before they hit to know how they were flying? Were they flying at a tilt or anything :D

Also have any quotes from these "pilots"? I would like to see them.

Federal Aviation Administration records show [Hanjour] obtained a commercial pilot's license in April 1999, but how and where he did so remains a lingering question that FAA officials refuse to discuss. His limited flying abilities do afford an insight into one feature of the attacks: The conspiracy apparently did not include a surplus of skilled pilots. [Cape Cod Times]

[Flight Academy] Staff members characterized Mr. Hanjour as polite, meek and very quiet. But most of all, the former employee said, they considered him a very bad pilot. "I'm still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon," the former employee said. "He could not fly at all." [New York Times]



Lol @ flight sim and wings falling off plane, So every jumbo jet's wings will fall off on such a steep climb because a simulator which looks so advanced says so :rolleyes:, Yet this "theory" was all taken from flight records so they know how fast and where it was and what hight it was at and it's final moments, Just so these people could make a few quid out of some moronic people for a film.

Well that's just great then isn't it.

Oh and I'm bored at work and don't normally post in these sort of threads so count yourself lucky :D :D :D
I'd heard that the aliens recovered from Roswell were flying the planes and that they teleported off seconds before impact.

I paid several experts to tell me that so it must be true......:rolleyes:

Ennogs.....I can't post what I think of your opinion and posts in here dude because I'd be banned but you are without question an idiot.

Try telling that to the airline pilots who say without navigation aid from control towers it would be impossible to find and crash into the twin towers with such accuracy. Also lots of airline pilots question the way the planes were supposed to have flew.

And what?...?...?? WTF do think is in the cockpit of an aircraft because the last time I looked its full of sodding instruments to navigate with..

I can get a Sat Nav that will navigate to the front door of someone I've never heard of in different country, are you really suggesting that a multi-million pound aircraft does not have the ability navigate independently?

Have you ever actually been to New York? I have several times & stood on the towers a day before they were hit...you would only have to aim the plane for Manhattan and guess what the 1st thing you'd see is?
If there is complete correlation, then the lines obtained by solving for best-fit (a,b) and (a^',b^') coincide (since all data points lie on them), so solving (◇) for y and equating to (◇) gives

Therefore, a=-a^'/b^' and b=1/b^', giving

The correlation coefficient is independent of both origin and scale, so

u = (x-x_0)/h

v = (y-y_0)/h.
Yes I do believe what I was told until I see proof that it was anything else and I've watched virtually every film on alternative theory's so I'm an expert.
Ok the American goverment have admitted they have no proof Bin Laden did it. Bin Laden himself denies it. Nobody has claimed responsiblity for it. Who do you think done it?

Some of the alleged 9/11 "suicide hijackers" are still alive and well, according to the BBC and The Guardian. Some have even been interviewed on TV.

Bush said he saw the first plane impact the towers before he entered the classroom. This was impossible as footage of the first crash did not emerge until the next day.

Have you got proper links for the above and not some tin foil hatter site?
We all know after the 9/11 attacks the public where instantly informed on what happend, we where fed lies as a cover up. And as we do we belive everything we see on tv out of pure ignorance. That these " Terrorists" ploted and planed the attacks, and we belive that a man in a cave in some desert is capable of plotting this. Well i know its a pile of bull****, and that its proberbly the work of the CIA to manipulate the public into agreeing with the matter of going to war over oil , but what do you think?

I think that you should look at the red lines the forum software has put under some of the words you have typed and consider whether you've spelt them correctly. Even if you do then proceed to post a load of incoherent nonsense at least it wouldn't look quite as retarded as the above.
Ok the American goverment have admitted they have no proof Bin Laden did it. Bin Laden himself denies it. Nobody has claimed responsiblity for it. Who do you think done it?

Bin Laden/Al Quaeda have already claimed responsibility/released a video.

The Al Qaeda member responsible for planning the attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, has since been arrested.
Well so far no one has managed to put forward a credible alternative, until they do I will believe the official version of events. Even ennogs seems th be having difficulty presenting what he believes actually happened.
Lets just take this one point shall we, so your theory hinges on the fact that Jane among hundreds of other journalists had prior information of the attack and was reading from a script?

So this expands the security risk of this operation consideribaly we are nw to be levie that hundreds of people (possibly thousands) where involved including members of the press and all have kept thier mouths shut?

None of them not 1 has decided to break possibly the greatest story in the history of the public media and in the process become fabulously wealthy?

Is you crazy??? Is ya??? That's how "they" work, this secret elite knows how to setup things like that to make them look true. They have all these people that work for them and they can keep their mouths shut alright, or else they "disappear" or try in tragic "accidents" (wink,wink,wink).

Why are you trying to make white black mate? Are you involved with them somehow? are you?

It's a conspiracy you know, that's how "they" do these things, is you blind? is you deaf? cause if you is, I can holler louder until all you sheeple wake up. The global government is trying to dominate and rule the world and turn us into slaves and you all just buy into it and defend them and all that.

/mumble mumble mumble
They only blamed taliban cos they have oil. Never heard of em or binladen before the attack and probs most others didnt.

Plenty of people had heard of Bin Laden before, because the US used to do arms deals with him.

I imagine this was all before your time. Hell, much of it was before my time.
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