9/11 Terrorists

It's not "ret-conning." The information is confirmed by pre-war records, and as I pointed out, it was already being discussed in public at the time.

Remember this?

That's from a BBC article dated Friday, 7 February, 2003. Pre-war.

Just for once, could you please offer some objective proof to substantiate your subjective rhetoric? I haven't seen you post a single shred of evidence for anything you've said. At the moment it looks like you're just making stuff up as you go along.

Already commented on the aspect of the 'War Council' and 'Government Policy' being separate.

Alas, I have no time at present to go digging for source articles - perhaps later in the day. I think it is absurd to accuse me of "making stuff up" as I go along just because I am not linking to every MSM source out there.

I have no reason to make anything up - we all know Israel is not the peace-loving state some make it out to be. And we all are aware of the suspect nature of that state's involvement with some aspects of 9/11 and the Iraq War.

Edit: Here's a starter for ten http://www.counterpunch.org/2003/01/25/israel-american-jews-and-the-war-on-iraq/
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If the US wanted an excuse to invade Afganistain, Iraq or any other country then they wouldn't have done something as extreme as 9/11.

There are plenty of other reasons to invade a country without having to kill a load of your own civilians. A report highlighting the threat of their WMD would have done the job.
1. kill the real innocent men with those names and faces who are the terrorists to be.
2. make a drone plan with a civilian air craft chassis.
3. give the remote to a kid or 5 dancing Israelis- however you wanna look at it.
4. fly it into a tower due for demolition.
5. grats you got your own ****ed up conspiracy and full legitimacy to start a war in Afghanistan and start one in Iraq for the lulz.

...inb4 *********
1. kill the real innocent men with those names and faces who are the terrorists to be.
2. make a drone plan with a civilian air craft chassis.
3. give the remote to a kid or 5 dancing Israelis- however you wanna look at it.
4. fly it into a tower due for demolition.
5. grats you got your own ****ed up conspiracy and full legitimacy to start a war in Afghanistan and start one in Iraq for the lulz.

...inb4 **********

Do you actually believe that retarded drivel? I would say that there are some holes in it, but the reality is that there isn't enough substance to put any holes in.
... I would say that there are some holes in it, but the reality is that there isn't enough substance to put any holes in.
Come on wee laddie, make up your mind - are there holes in his well thought out and cunning plan or not?

ps - I suspect that his post was meant to be a joke; I do realise that if you have no sense of humour, such a post may well have been wasted on you :p
Wow all the butters have come out the wood work and. LoL at them calling us gullible with the utter lack of evidence and in fact evidence that goes against their ideas.
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