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970's having performance issues using 4GB Vram - Nvidia investigating

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Well I guess it doesn't really matter if the 980 has the same fault or not. Less than 4Gb of usable RAM to the tune of 12.5% or more... if that's what legit benches clearly show... equals a product that is simply NOT what we paid for, and will under-perform in certain games, both today and more frequently as time goes by. Hell, if you're maxing out at 3.2GB as some seem to suggest is happening in some instances, that's a 20% hit!! That's just shocking. I eagerly await Nvidia's response to this. Until then, we will just have to be patient.
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It has come about due to the way the 970 is a cut down version. Nvidia have been made aware of it. They may well have known about it for a fair while longer
It has come about due to the way the 970 is a cut down version. Nvidia have been made aware of it. They may well have known about it for a fair while longer
There is ZERO doubt in my mind Nvidia knew about this. They employ some of the smartest minds in the world, experts in their field and spend millions developing these cards. I refuse to believe they weren't aware of this at some level, it's just impossible. The question is whether it's something they can rectify or not. I REALLY hope it is. The last thing I want to do is return my cards, but if they permanently have access to 12.5%+ less memory than I paid for, I will likely have no choice, as it's only a matter of time before I start to see the effects of this.
There is ZERO doubt in my mind Nvidia knew about this. They employ some of the smartest minds in the world, experts in their field and spend millions developing these cards. I refuse to believe they weren't aware of this at some level, it's just impossible. The question is whether it's something they can rectify or not. I REALLY hope it is. The last thing I want to do is return my cards, but if they permanently have access to 12.5%+ less memory than I paid for, I will likely have no choice, as it's only a matter of time before I start to see the effects of this.

they are either working on a fix right now (like samsung were) or they put it down to acceptable risk i guess

firmware update would be the ideal huh
There is ZERO doubt in my mind Nvidia knew about this. They employ some of the smartest minds in the world, experts in their field and spend millions developing these cards. I refuse to believe they weren't aware of this at some level, it's just impossible. The question is whether it's something they can rectify or not. I REALLY hope it is. The last thing I want to do is return my cards, but if they permanently have access to 12.5%+ less memory than I paid for, I will likely have no choice, as it's only a matter of time before I start to see the effects of this.

yea we might get a full refund on the same day that the 380X comes out..now wont that be nice !!!!;):D:D
Just wow at all the hysteria and panic, presumably about 90% of all the hysterical didn't even know they had a problem with their card.

It's not right, obviously, so let's see what they do about it, why the mad rush to get your cards in the post tomorrow, have they suddenly stopped working? I could maybe understand it if you were on the brink of being out of warranty, but are these cards anywhere near old enough for that?
There is ZERO doubt in my mind Nvidia knew about this. They employ some of the smartest minds in the world, experts in their field and spend millions developing these cards. I refuse to believe they weren't aware of this at some level, it's just impossible. The question is whether it's something they can rectify or not. I REALLY hope it is. The last thing I want to do is return my cards, but if they permanently have access to 12.5%+ less memory than I paid for, I will likely have no choice, as it's only a matter of time before I start to see the effects of this.

My understanding is it depends on whether the cut down parts were removed or disabled. If they can be enabled via a bios update then its possible. It definitely appears to be hardware. With AMD due to start releasing cards soon it would definitely be in nvidias interest to get this resolved asap. If they were forced to issue recalls and refunds they could set a deadline and get people to switch to a 980 or 960 before AMD release their updated cards.
Downloaded and ran the test on mine, gets to 3800 MiB and speed drops off towards the end.

Edit: Thats almost 4GB, so I can "use" all of my VRAM, it's just performance drops off towards the end.
Would be nice to see this reproduced outside of a single synthetic test environment. Something may or may not be going on, but the major question is:

Irrespective of the test program showing lower speeds, does this have any impact on real world usage?
Doesn't seem to affect me and my Asus Strix 970 SLI setup.

Just been playing BF4 @ 4K which maxed out at 3.5GB Vram usage.


No frame rate issues at all, smooth 50-60fps for 2hrs solid.
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