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970's having performance issues using 4GB Vram - Nvidia investigating

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So very glad I sent my 970 G1 back now when I did. Unfortunately I gave away one of my two 5850's that I used to run in xfire so now am stuck with one and woeful performance!


It's not that I don't see your POV I just completely disagree with it. As what happened with the other guy: agree to disagree.

Can you imagine how happy AMD are right now? Nvidia could have buried them with this series of cards and already looked like they were sailing off in to the sunset with their bags of cash... but if this turns out to be an unfixable problem, it plays straight in to AMD's hands, and they will doubtless get A LOT of new customers as a result, when they release their new cards... assuming they don't suffer with the same fault!

I don't think this will be a massive issue but if AMD time their cards right they could be in decent shape.

Edit: my journey back home is about to hit the Northern Line so I'll let the thread track back to what happens next for owners. Good luck with your RMAs if you are affected.
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Can you imagine how happy AMD are right now? Nvidia could have buried them with this series of cards and already looked like they were sailing off in to the sunset with their bags of cash... but if this turns out to be an unfixable problem, it plays straight in to AMD's hands, and they will doubtless get A LOT of new customers as a result, when they release their new cards... assuming they don't suffer with the same fault!

Not very happy. They're getting hammered on all fronts atm.

This may have elevated their mood from 'despair' to 'relatively glum'.
It's not necessarily great for AMD, if the fault can be rectified by enabling disabled parts of the card (assuming they are present and just disabled not completely removed) then the performance of these cards would increase.
It's not necessarily great for AMD, if the fault can be rectified by enabling disabled parts of the card (assuming they are present and just disabled not completely removed) then the performance of these cards would increase.

Free firmware flash to 980 lol? (if possible)
Can't see the 980 guys being happy with that
A likening the issue to cancer...

Thread unsubscribed.
Not that I was doing that directly, rather making an extreme parallel of burying your head in the sand over a serious issue simply because it doesn't affect you... yet. Clearly this card has a SERIOUS fault, which if unfixable will become a SERIOUS and DEBILITATING issue for gamers in the future, rendering said card near useless and NOT what was paid for. People can deny this all they want... if this isn't fixed, a year from now the **** is REALLY going to hit the fan, if it doesn't sooner.
Not that I was doing that directly, rather making a parallel of burying your head in the sand over a serious issue simply because it doesn't affect you... yet. Clearly this card has a SERIOUS fault, which if unfixable will become a SERIOUS and DEBILITATING issue for gamers in the future, rendering said card near useless and NOT what was paid for. People can deny this all the want... a year from now the **** is REALLY going to hit the fan, if it doesn't sooner.

Fair play.

Overreaction on my part. Sorry. :)
lol you guys are right
nvidia are the ones that will try to ignore it
until they cant anymore

thats if its not a quick easy fix
maybe a bit like samsung and their 840 drives
tho they did pretty good!
Ok a sure to be unpopular thought, but possibly a legal one if it ever comes to that.

People say, hey we want a refund as we paid for a card with 4GB ram.

Well guess what, the card has 4GB of ram on board, so you have got what you paid for.

How about, well the memory is there so it should be usable.

Ok, go look at the speedometer in your car I bet it goes faster than your car will go, you going to demand a refund on your car too.

Of course all this is completely irrelevant, as no refunds will be issued at all unless Nvidia confirm that there is an issue.
Explains the performance hit I've been seeing in BF4,at 1440 res. it's like the card throttles back and stutters.

Hope it's fixed or it's going back. I feel for OCUK here, if it's hardware and can't be fixed, they will be dealing with lots of returns that will cost them money. I guess that's a risk of the Business though.
Ok a sure to be unpopular thought, but possibly a legal one if it ever comes to that.

People say, hey we want a refund as we paid for a card with 4GB ram.

Well guess what, the card has 4GB of ram on board, so you have got what you paid for.

How about, well the memory is there so it should be usable.

Ok, go look at the speedometer in your car I bet it goes faster than your car will go, you going to demand a refund on your car too.

Of course all this is completely irrelevant, as no refunds will be issued at all unless Nvidia confirm that there is an issue.

With the greatest of respect, this is completely wrong.

If something is advertised with 4GB of vram and only 3-3.5GB usable (which has already been proven) that is misrepresentation which is a criminal offence. People affected would be entitled to a full refund under the sale of goods act. Nvidia could also face a law suit.
Rusty, is it that you are suggesting that if people don't notice the issue, then they should not care?

From what I can gather, Rusty's problem lies with the people who have no problems in their gaming/use of their card/s but are now up in arms and wanting a refund due to this information rather than a lack of performance due to said problem.

I understand in a way but that doesn't change anything. You buy a card with 4GB of Vram but this runs out at 3.2GB-3.5GB and you then have to turn down settings in the affected game would have me return it in an instant. Even the people that are bothered about this even though not affected, well it's only a matter of time until they are and I reckon this will be more of a majority than a minority of 970 users as logic states that these cards were not bought for to play Quake.

If this turns out to be hardware related and cannot be fixed then I'd return the 970 even if I wasn't effected with the games I play. You paid for 4GB, nothing more, nothing less. I'd do the exact same with an AMD card.

@bru - Terrible analogy with the speedometer. If the car was under performing due to a manufacturing error then you are due a full replacement/refund. That it can go quicker is irrelevant. It has to perform as specified, more is beneficial, less is illegal. You can return a card on the grounds it's not performing as stated but good luck on returning a card on the grounds you are not getting as good as an overclock as others.
Interesting, I was seeing problems with Crysis 3 randomly throwing a wobbly at 1440p after an odd (45 mins) of time... maybe the VRAM issue.

Big problem if so as I am shortly looking to get a 3440x1440 monitor...
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