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970's having performance issues using 4GB Vram - Nvidia investigating

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Well, gave Inquisition a go at 4K and maxed.

Got up to just over 3.7GB usage. While frame rate counter stayed around 30fps, it was a stuttery mess.

Anyway, that's all my testing for today. Will just wait and see what develops now.
1st world problems!
they dont care their device was made under slave labour conditions but they do care it has less space than advertised to store pictures of their over weight cat being breaded
1st world problems!
they dont care their device was made under slave labour conditions but they do care it has less space than advertised to store pictures of their over weight cat being breaded

Do you care where your gpu was made?

How about your monitor, other peripherals, ram, etc?

Why are you in here? Do you own a 970?
1st world problems!

Everyone has problems. Dismissing other people's gripes as "1st World Problems" is so terribly, terribly liberal left. There's always someone worse off than you, but it doesn't mean you've got to feel guilty when something is less than perfect in your life.
Do you care where your gpu was made?

How about your monitor, other peripherals, ram, etc?

Why are you in here? Do you own a 970?

my gpu dont advertise that they are made under fair working conditions, apple do
am i not allowed to be here? :(
am i not allowed to be here? :(

I didn't say you weren't.

I asked why you were.

Belittling peoples concerns suggesting they are "first world problems"...

It stinks of trolling more than contributing. So, are you in here to troll?

If the moaning bothers you, again, why are you in here?

uh oh ?
I didn't say you weren't.

I asked why you were.

Belittling peoples concerns suggesting they are "first world problems"...

It stinks of trolling more than contributing. So, are you in here to troll?

If the moaning bothers you, again, why are you in here?

*sniff* lol
calm yur balls
i wasnt talking about ur vram issues!
wow you guys get angry fast!!
Not sure if it has been said I wonder if it is something to do with maxing out bandwidth or close to it and then not be able to get access to the cut down smm's straight away as the bandwidth is maxing out it slows down.
Don't get me wrong, I like Nvidia and all (well, I like their drivers, that's about where it stops) but why would you knowingly buy a faulty product?

What I find odd is that the 970 is supposedly the same exact spec as the 980 with a slightly cut down core, correct? If so then why is the 970 broken yet the 980 is fine?

I'll stick my neck out for now and say it's a driver issue.
I think this is all getting out of hand

If I needed a GPU today I would have no problem with buying a GTX 970.

Anyone else feel the same way.:)

nope sold my sli msi gtx970 for a galax soc gtx980 best thing i done. Noticed some guy in shop today buying asus 970 wanted to warn him but dident seem fair to.

I'll stick my neck out for now and say it's a driver issue.

dont believe that for a second , i believe its by design nvidea 970 is so slow with regards to bw on the last 512mb / more. Just turns the card into a stutter fest as it constantly loading to vram etc. Lets not forget nvidea have actually done this before.

whats worse is they could have been honest about this because like myself people would have bought 2 970s or even 3 thinking they can power higher resulotuions but cant because there effectivly gimped by the vram bw issue.
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Here's something interesting which kind of confirms that this issue is real and will affect any games/programs that use more than 3GB.

I tested with MSI Kombuster 3 (GPU Memory Burner) which loads up the memory and runs a 3D MSI logo.

The test loads in about 1 second if the memory selected is 1024md or 2048mb but when you choose 3073mb the program seems to try to use all available memory and actually takes quite a while (over 1 minute) before the MSI logo appears and even then it stutters for a bit like as if something is loading in from swap memory.

This is almost certainly to do with the current bandwidth issue. If you try to load ay other graphic program while that is running the MSI logo starts stuttering and comes down to a crawl or freezes for ages.
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