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970's having performance issues using 4GB Vram - Nvidia investigating

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I think this is all getting out of hand

If I needed a GPU today I would have no problem with buying a GTX 970.

Anyone else feel the same way.:)

been playing about with my 970 sli today looking for problems, games still playing fine at 1400p, the problem for NVidia is if the 970 reputation is having a memory fault its very hard to turn around
For the most part, I don't think that many people will notice a problem TODAY. Some games seem to have issues, the few that actually need the 4GB, but your average gamer won't have any problems... not YET. But as time goes by and more and more games demand that RAM, it will become a problem for virtually every 970 owner (and that includes myself)... but only if it's not fixed, so let's hope for all our sake that it is.
Here's something interesting which kind of confirms that this issue is real and will affect any games/programs that use more than 3GB.

I tested with MSI Kombuster 3 (GPU Memory Burner) which loads up the memory and runs a 3D MSI logo.

The test loads in about 1 second if the memory selected is 1024md or 2048mb but when you choose 3073mb the program seems to try to use all available memory and actually takes quite a while (over 1 minute) before the MSI logo appears and even then it stutters for a bit like as if something is loading in from swap memory.

This is almost certainly to do with the current bandwidth issue. If you try to load ay other graphic program while that is running the MSI logo starts stuttering and comes down to a crawl or freezes for ages.

mine takes just under 5 seconds to load, no stuttering. hmm.
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mine takes just under 5 seconds to load, no stuttering

is that with the 3072mb test gpu stress test? which 970 have you got? also check your frame rate in msi afterburner for each test. I will post some pics but mine definitely has lower frames on the 3072mb test.
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I've been reading a lot about the issue lately and I really hope it'll be resolved one way or another. I'm happy with my 970 as of now but I paid for 4gb vram and I expect the card to perform within specifications. Anybody who has his head screwed on the right way round wouldn't say this is a non-issue. It's perfectly understanadble to want a quite expensive product to work as advertised.

It's not like I nicked the card off the shelf, I paid for it with my own lolly. I don't entirely get where this tired load of old codswallop about "first world problems" even came from. If you pay for a cake you hardly expect it to be partially mouldy, do you? It's technically in the box, isn't it?
Though the problem isn't terribly noticeable now, it might rear its ugly head in a couple of months with the release of more demanding games.

I'm far from getting my knickers in a twist over this but I hope nvidia works it out somehow.
1st world problems!
they dont care their device was made under slave labour conditions but they do care it has less space than advertised to store pictures of their over weight cat being breaded

You appear to have gone full retard on the internet.
Kombuster at 2048mb scores 110fps, at 3072 scores 42 fps on my Windforce G1
if that helps

That doesn't make sense now does it. Why would fps drop when more gpu memory is used?
We need test results from non 970 users to confirm this is it. I also checked the windows task manager and the physical pc memory usage shoots up when the 3072mb test is used. Why would the test use cpu memory when its supposed to be testing gpu memory?

There is some serious bug which is causing the gpu to swap out to cpu memory by the looks of it. This probably explains why I am getting stuttering when maxing out Farcry 4.
There is some serious bug which is causing the gpu to swap out to cpu memory by the looks of it. This probably explains why I am getting stuttering when maxing out Farcry 4.

After doing some reading I found this...

There are some rumours that the issue is down to uneven SMM binning for the 970's GM204 is starving the memory controller in one GPC, but the one benchmark that reliably shows the data rate drop issue is not particularly compute intensive (it's mainly shunting things in and out of vRAM as fast as possible).

So it could well be a hardware fault. However, I would not be concerned over Far Cry 4 as it's a UBI game and ran like crap on my R290 when I played it on there.

All things considered, this is the most exciting thing to happen in GPU's for a little while :D

We need another Fermi travesty so AMD can catch up :D
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