Hi there
I now have a final update on all brands:
YES BRANDS! (Supporting OcUK)
OcUK Brand: We support these ourselves as customer is king.
KFA2 (Formerly Galax): Supporting OcUK to keep our cost minimal.
Inno3D: Supporting OcUK to keep our cost minimal.
EVGA: Supporting OcUK to keep our cost minimal and offering step up for customers contacting them directly.
Asus: No decision but their support in past has being legendary so we are confident they will have our backs.
Zotac: Looking into it but want to support but need final decision to come form big boss, looking good though!
Palit: Now supporting OcUK with our returns!

MSI: MSI are covering OcUK for all our returns!
NO BRANDS! (Refusing to support as still waiting for a decision)
- Gigabyte: Will not accept returns yet, but have not come to a final decision. As such OcUK shall still take them back and cover all the cost ourselves should Gigabyte decide not to support.
I am really hopeful the NO brands decisions next week will be to support us and I am sure they will as Gigabyte are a great company.
In short OcUK will now accept returns on all brands should you be unhappy with your purchase, the window for returning a 970 is between now and end of February.
I must inform customers that 970 performance is absolutely mind blowing and is the best all round performance card sub £300, the only faster single GPU card is the 980, but cost a lot more and the extra performance does not justify the extra cost. This makes the 970 still the performance bargain at sub £300! The stuttering some customers are experiencing, some customers are not experiencing or are also experiencing on other GPU's, so this does mean that issues some are experiencing are simply down to drivers/system configuration, so do try different drivers and updates first. Then some games simply run poor on all GPU platforms. So please bear in mind as 970 is the card everyone was raving about only a week ago, nothing has changed, it is still the same awesome product it was previously and still is. But if you are truly unhappy then please contact OcUK returns in regards to your 970 purchase (all brands).
Here are some performance stats:
BUT guys before just saying here have your money back you should be talking the customer through the following to try and prevent the refund in the first place:
• There is no issue with the 970 product, this is by design from NVIDIA in the 970 GPU
• There is a $220 delta in the price of the 970 vs. the 980
• There is only a 3% performance delta of the 970 vs. the 980
• If Direct Customer has an irate customer that wants to return the board, let the customer return it.
In order to try and assist further we have included some performance data below so that you can see actual testing results between the GTX 970 and the GTX 980.
Shadows of Mordor: GTX 980 GTX970
<3.5GB settings: 2688x1512 Very High 72FPS 60FPS
>3.5GB settings: 3456x1944 Very High 55FPS (24%) 45FPS (-25%)
Relative performance difference: 1%
Battlefield 4:
<3.5GB settings: 3840x2160 2xMSAA 36FS 30FPS
>3.5GB settings: 3840x2160 135% res. 19FPS (-47%) 15FPS (-50%)
Relative performance difference: 3%
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare:
<3.5GB settings: 3840x2160 FSMAA T2x, SS off 82FPS 71FPS
>3.5GB settings: 3840x2160 FSMAA T2x, SS on 48FPS (-41%) 40FPS (-44%)
As you can see above the relative performance difference varies from 1% in Shadows of Mordor, to 3% in Battlefield 4 or Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The performance differences between a 970 and 980 in the above examples remain a constant 15-19%, regardless of memory usage.
I hope that the above information helps clarify the performance from the GTX 970. Please let us know if you do want to continue with a step-up on your product for the higher performing GTX 980 card, and we'll get that option opened up for you.
OcUK & Caseking believes customer is King!
OcUK believes the customer is king and this is why we are offering this to ONLY our customers on all brands even though some of the brands have not yet made decisions.
I hope this will go a long way in securing in peoples minds that OcUK has changed since several years ago when it comes to customer service and now we truly are the best in the industry and without a doubt the Kings of graphics card. We offer the largest range, we have the most exclusives and our prices are competitive if not the best. You then get so much more with OcUK also, these forums with staff around the clock monitoring and helping out and our legendary customer service.
We are not a faceless company and the customer truly is King in our opinion!
Have a great weekend and those who are 100% returning cards please don't all ring or email at once and give it some real thought if an RMA is what you really wish to do because as I say this issue is blown hugely out of proportion, the 970 is still simply epic and will remain the great card it is.
Over and out!
P.S. To make it clear OcUK & Caseking will accept all brands back if you truly are unhappy, our companies are the best in customer service throughout UK/Europe, we are no.1 !!!!
P.S.2 To return a card you must contact RMA department first and then post the card back to us or bring it in person, but you must obtain an RMA first!