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970's having performance issues using 4GB Vram - Nvidia investigating

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Giving the consumer mis information and selling products on that mis information is ****** , so Sony are forced to pay back money to consumers for this on there vita **** up , developers for h1z1 had to give money back as they sold on misinformation , so just because this is a GPU we shouldn't be entittled to a potential refund or or pennies back ? Who regulates these sorts of things if anybody?

are you talking about sony advertising the crossplay stuff for every game on the ps3? if you are then isnt that massively different to what's going on here?

sony: you can do *this* !
turns out you cant. lawsuit.

nvidia: it has *this many rops*
turns out it doesnt. but it performance the same as it was in all the reviews. and the product you bought is as advertised by your retailer.
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anychance we can edit the 1st post with links to the videos and news etc?
the other thread was atleast a little helpful lol
are you talking about sony advertising the crossplay stuff for every game on the ps3? if you are then isnt that massively different to what's going on here?

Mis information is still that , regardless of what the offer was , better hardware , better support ,better connectiivity , what's it matter if the result is the same . Consumer being worse off for there money .
Mis information is still that , regardless of what the offer was , better hardware , better support ,better connectiivity , what's it matter if the result is the same . Consumer being worse off for there money .

Still wouldn't mean anything unless you can explain that clearly and quickly to a judge. with evidence to back it up.
What matters is how the card performers. I'll let you decide if you think you are suddenly worse off because of this news.

Owning two of the things , there fast , there's no getting in the way of that granted ! But I'm not running into the issues now with VRAM , but I may well do down the line ... I bought the cards knowing the memory architecture was identical to that of the 980 and now it's not . I'd never go balls out saying that it the cards are crap and we all need to dump um ... But just because I don't inherently see a problem straight away as the problems discovered , doesn't mean I won't bump into this issue as textures and assets become heavier
To the people saying there're only a handful of games affected at resolutions lower than 4k: what happens in 12 or 18 months when there are 20 or 30 games affected? Games that people really want to play? Games that push as much data as they can into VRAM in order to perform better. So the cards might work now but there will be thousands of people who have yet to experience stuttering, yet might find it destroys next year's Big Game. What do they do when this has all blown over and the retailer and nvidia are trying to pretend it hasn't happened?

It might be a super card today when 3gb is mostly enough for the resolutions people run, but there's a risk it'll be awful in future. And turning down the detail settings to reduce VRAM below 3.5gb is NOT a viable solution when people thought they were getting 4gb fast ram.

The only real solution is to vote with your feet, but companies know that memories for things like this are short, so they'll hope it blows over or just give everyone a free game and end up with a more positive reputation than before these problems.
nvidia: it has *this many rops*
turns out it doesnt. but it performance the same as it was in all the reviews. and the product you bought is as advertised by your retailer.

hold yur hobnobs
are you saying its the retailers fault for displaying wrong specs even tho they got them specs straight from nvidia?
that seems a little unfair lol
are you talking about sony advertising the crossplay stuff for every game on the ps3? if you are then isnt that massively different to what's going on here?

sony: you can do *this* !
turns out you cant. lawsuit.

nvidia: it has *this many rops*
turns out it doesnt. but it performance the same as(as long as you keep it under 3.5GB) it wasn't in any reviews. and the product you bought was falsely advertised by your retailer.

Fixed. The truth will set you free :)
Are we going to get loads of cheesy TV and Radio adverts gunning for people to claim against Nvidia or retailers?

"Were you mis-sold your GPU?"
"Has your card got less ROPS than you were led to believe?"

Then get in touch with GPUclaims4U.com now!

Seriously though, what is OCUK's stance on this? Are they going to lean on Nvidia to do something? Push board partners to pressure Nvidia to do something? Together they *probably* have a bit more weight behind them than various fragmented forum users and angry internet posts, and it would be nice for people to have the backing of these retailers, AIB and distribution partners etc... in the end, Nvidia lied to everyone about it, retailers and consumers alike

What if anyone wanted to return a 970 as they don't have the full spec they were listed as when they were purchased?

OCUK should do a full recall, refund everyone at current selling price, send all the cards back to Nvidia and charge them for the lot, plus expenses. Just to send a message to them, that this won't be tolerated.

I for one won't be buying an Nvidia card again. So that's both Gigabyte and Nvidia off my lists this month.
has any of the OCUK staff responded in this thread?

I have just noticed this and to be honest It will take awhile to read through 63 pages of this to find out!

curious to see what they have said if they have
hold yur hobnobs
are you saying its the retailers fault for displaying wrong specs even tho they got them specs straight from nvidia?
that seems a little unfair lol

Ocuk never told me how many rops the card had. But if they did, i would care anyway :p

Fixed. The truth will set you free :)

Wrong, i guess you've not been keeping up with the thread then.

Title fail :rolleyes:
So had a reply back from OCUK in terms of RMA'ing these mis-sold cards and I got someone who doesn't have a clue about the situation.

OCUK really need some clued up, better customer support staff.
I don't believe they have - and normally they are quite vocal

so I'd suggest all round (not just OCUK) there is "concern" on way forward

Yes they have and they are aware of it as I pointed them this way and to the thread on the official Nvidia forum when I called up to RMA my cards.
This was about 3 days ago.
Does anyone actually believe the ' miscommunication ' story. This doesn't affect me at all but I have read through the thread and find it incredulous that anyone can buy into what Nvidia are saying, then of course having discovered their 'miscommunication' who at Nvidia decided not to tell anyone, was bound to get out. Only the extremely loyal Nvidia customers are still defending them, its not about 'does it affect you' or 'its only 4-6%' for me its about integrity etc, something sadly lacking in business. Be all for me is Nvidia should have come clean on this but decided it would affect sales of the 970 so didn't, now they have been caught they must take the consequences. :(
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