A 10 hour walk (the Jay Slater thread)...

Dunno if already posted, from the Mirror.

Ex-Nicola Bulley cop lands in Tenerife and vows to 'track down' two key men
Former British cop Mark Williams-Thomas is in Tenerife helping the family of the missing teenager.

The experienced investigator, who has probed a string of high-profile missing persons cases, including Nicola Bulley's disappearance, was today spotted on the island where the 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer was last seen. He had reached out to Jay's mother Debbie Duncan, 55, on Sunday offering his help and is now working for them, free-of-charge, to find out what has happened to their son.

Speaking before the family accepted his help, Mr Williams-Thomas had said he believes he can get answers for them within just three days. And he also vowed to "track down" the two British men that Jay is said to have stayed with at a holiday rental the night before he vanished.

Heard they are calling in the dive squad too.
Can you imagine if this is a scam? I don't think it is. I mean that would be twisted beyond belief.. But the backlash would be insane
Drugs Shark, think Cocaine Bear but in the ocean [I reserve all media rights for this idea]

Canarian Mountain Sharks were actually harmless vegetarians until humans encroached on their habitat with drill music and poorly cut coke. Unfortunately they have now developed a taste for wearing knock off Ray-bans and have become a positive menace to lone hikers. It's time this was properly exposed to the world.
Canarian Mountain Sharks were actually harmless vegetarians until humans encroached on their habitat with drill music and poorly cut coke. Unfortunately they have now developed a taste for wearing knock off Ray-bans and have become a positive menace to lone hikers. It's time this was properly exposed to the world.
Coming soon to a direct-to-video store near you!
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And he also vowed to "track down" the two British men that Jay is said to have stayed with at a holiday rental the night before he vanished
Hang on a minute, have these two blokes not already been brought in for questioning? Have they not come forward or anything?? Massive suspicion there if not. Even if it is a joke post.
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Hang on a minute, have these two blokes not already been brought in for questioning? Have they not come forward or anything?? Massive suspicion there if not. Even if it is a joke post.

It was reported they had arrived back in the UK several days ago. Experienced investigator Mr Williams-Thomas is clearly looking for them in Tenerife.
Can you imagine if this is a scam? I don't think it is. I mean that would be twisted beyond belief.. But the backlash would be insane

mate.. it's not likely to be a scam but they are certainly milking it for what it's worth.

A few years back, there was a house fire and sadly a load of children from the same family passed away.
It was big news at the time, people raised £1000s in support of the family. It hit me quite hard as the house was on same the street as the school I went to. People I knew, knew the family and a class mate of mine rushed into the fire to try and get the kids out.

It turned out that the fire was started by the dad, and that he thought he could milk it by playing the hero but the fire just went crazy..

some of the people who knew the family was suss straight away, it may have been 20/20 hindsight but a lot of them claim that it didn't feel right at the time.

This was before solical media, now people are ruthless and call out anything they think it's suss straight away.
Dunno if already posted, from the Mirror.

The experienced investigator, who has probed a string of high-profile missing persons cases, including Nicola Bulley's disappearance, was today spotted on the island where the 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer was last seen

Wonder if he’s actually solved any. Anyone posting in this thread could claim to have probed this missing person case
A few years back, there was a house fire and sadly a load of children from the same family passed away.
It was big news at the time, people raised £1000s in support of the family. It hit me quite hard as the house was on same the street as the school I went to. People I knew, knew the family and a class mate of mine rushed into the fire to try and get the kids out.

It turned out that the fire was started by the dad, and that he thought he could milk it by playing the hero but the fire just went crazy..

some of the people who knew the family was suss straight away, it may have been 20/20 hindsight but a lot of them claim that it didn't feel right at the time.

Was this the Mick Philpott case in Derby? He was attempting to get sympathy and a bigger Council House for them all to live in. He had spent his life milking the benefits system by having children with multiple women.
you're referring to the mick philpott case, it's only 10 years ago so there was plenty of social media about.

Was this the Mick Philpott case in Derby? He was attempting to get sympathy and a bigger Council House for them all to live in. He had spent his life milking the benefits system by having children with multiple women.

Yub that’s the one… I could have sworn it was more than 10 years and I wasn’t living in Manchester at the time.

Yes there was social media around, hence how I found out people thought it was suss. But it’s not as wild as it was now. People seems to be more desensitised now. Not me, I’ve always been a **** lol
Hang on a minute, have these two blokes not already been brought in for questioning? Have they not come forward or anything?? Massive suspicion there if not. Even if it is a joke post.

No, they've been questioned by the police and have flown home AFAIK.

It was reported they had arrived back in the UK several days ago. Experienced investigator Mr Williams-Thomas is clearly looking for them in Tenerife.

Nah, you're extrapolating a bit much there, he's flying out to Tenerife *and* he's intending to track down the two guys to question them (presumably when he's back in the UK). He's also looking to speak to others who may have seen Jay that night.

But the fact that they seem to be portraying this as something suspicious rather than a hungover teen making a fatal mistake in choosing to walk off-road perhaps means the two men won't want anything to do with this investigator.
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