A battlefield2 thread

Jabbs said:
Whens the realistick time its going to be out for us, more likely tomorow morning/afternoon/night etc

most reasonable estimation would be friday noon pacific time, that means it will be with us tmrw at 8pm GMT
No BF2 demo tomorrow lads..... :rolleyes:

Taken from the dev chat on Gamespy Arcade atm :

<[Admin]WolfBlade> *ByrdGang-gs* when is the demo coming out?
<ea-bsmith> hmmm
<ea-bsmith> ok, well, while we're not ready to commit to tomorrow night like has been reported in a bunch of places
<ea-bsmith> we're fairly confident we'll be out some time this weekend with the demo
<ea-bsmith> right now the demo is in our final approval process (called CQC internally)
<ea-bsmith> once they're done we're ready to roll
Cybermyk said:
Interesting link scroll down a bit to see what looks like the read me detail for the game.

From what I've seen, forget it with anything less than a Geforce FX, a lot of GF4ti owners are not going to like that....

And, "Run Smooth at Medium Settings on a 6800GT"? - I'm not filled with confidence with my humble 6800LE !

Fingers crossed its all pre-releasy pap, suck it & see I suppose.
Remember all the steam (hehe) over Half Life and "will it run on my machine ???", well it did for a lot of people quite well :).

btw is it me or does BF2 look like CS:S with vehicles ? :D .
R124/LA420 said:
From what I've seen, forget it with anything less than a Geforce FX, a lot of GF4ti owners are not going to like that....

And, "Run Smooth at Medium Settings on a 6800GT"? - I'm not filled with confidence with my humble 6800LE !

Doesn't support GF4's due to needing Pixelshader 1.4 support iirc.

As for the 6800GT being enough, one of the IGN staff that did the PC preview had the settings max'd out on a 3ghz P4, 1gb ram, 6800GT @ 1280x960 / 4xaa and said it ran fine.... :confused:
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