Swiftan said:With all this waiting and hype I'm putting my money on it being a letdown. It looks spot on in the videos and screenshots but I bet the hit detection/server load or team/class balance or something is way off.
Something HAS to go wrong!
Gerard said:It would also be nice if people would not post "its out" then some bs link, just gets annoying after a while.
gord said:well, testers etc have been using rigs with Nvidia beta drivers in which a bug had been fixed with the engine where the ground flashes.......
so we will probably get it to load up to find loads of graphical bugs....
Im sure that picture has been shopped, that is not straight out of the game if it is....rolandrat said:http://www.computerandvideogames.com/openpic.php?nid=144313&article_id=119670
Look at the quality textures on this pic (not)- see what I mean, this must be ZX Spectrum spec.
Thats pretty good....url is a bit of a give away thoughBloodAngel said: