The problem is the argument goes either way. Some of the worst servers out there are running the large maps with basically a handful of jet pilots owning everything and everyone. It's always the same type of people doing it aswell; 3/4 star generals who've pretty much earned those ranks solely on jet whoring. I mean, the other day I was on Dragon Valley (50 man server) and the 4 jets pilots in the game were almost 100 points above everyone else. The worse thing was that even though the Chinese team were losing badly, the two pilots in the J-10's had the highest score in the game.
You can also say the same about choppers, but at least they're not invincible and a well organised team of players can easily give them a hard time in the air.
The really sad part is that it would only take a few tweaks to the game mechanics to balance every jet and chopper in the game.
I do agree that there is a "medic" problem in the infantry only server's but fortunately the IO server's I play on have a healthy mix of other classes. I find the best way to defeat the gangs of medics is to not shoot immediately but wait for them to congregate at a chokepoint or flag and then do a full on assault (with plenty of grenades
). The key is to take them out en masse so as to prevent them from reviving each other. Any individuals remaining will either try to revive their teammates (which will leave them vunerable), try to attack you (you have an advantage) or do a runner ( ... fail, lol). I find, much too frequently, lone players try to be heroes and attempt to take on whole groups on their own. Unless they spot you, always try to analyse the situation carefully, find a better position, wait for other team mates and most of all THINK before you shoot.
Personally I find 64 man Karkand or Mashtuur City with vehicles the best maps in the game. You don't get gangs of medic whoring scum terrorising everyone and the tanks/apcs as annoying as they are, promote good team work and strategic gameplay.