A battlefield2 thread

Many people still play this?

I have the odd bash now and again. It's strange.. sometimes I'll get on it and play for 20 mins before I get bored and log off, or get frustrated after someone drops artillery on my head for the 3000th time :D.. but other times I'll have a really engrossing game and find myself on for 2-3 hours.
I still play Battlefield but then I've only been playing about 5 months.

Now iI'm on 34K and still loving it i do about 25hrs per week and takes up most of my gaming at the moment.

I have a question though, I was reading up on a tweak guide for Battlefield 2 and found a tweak that enables you to increase the graphics quality to "ultra high" see here---> http://www.tweakguides.com/BF2_7.html Unforutnatley i can't get it to work as when i enter the game theres no more setting and when i go back to the config vile its reset to 3.

Config Files

Aside from the in-game settings, Battlefield 2 has a large number of config (.con) files spread throughout its directories. These files can be edited using a text editor like Windows Notepad or Wordpad. Before editing any .con file, first make sure you make a backup copy of it.

However as you may have noticed, editing many of these .con files can prove pointless as the changes seem to have no impact. I have found that the main configuration files which do have an impact are found under your \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\ directory, with the settings for each profile (whether an online or offline profile) are listed under a numbered directory (e.g. \0001 for the first profile, etc.). Note, I don't recommend that you edit the files under the \Default directory. To see which particular profile is currently in use, open the Global.con file under the \Profiles parent directory first, then see which number it mentions, and go to that particular numbered directory to find the files mentioned below.

Config Files

Aside from the in-game settings, Battlefield 2 has a large number of config (.con) files spread throughout its directories. These files can be edited using a text editor like Windows Notepad or Wordpad. Before editing any .con file, first make sure you make a backup copy of it.

However as you may have noticed, editing many of these .con files can prove pointless as the changes seem to have no impact. I have found that the main configuration files which do have an impact are found under your \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\ directory, with the settings for each profile (whether an online or offline profile) are listed under a numbered directory (e.g. \0001 for the first profile, etc.). Note, I don't recommend that you edit the files under the \Default directory. To see which particular profile is currently in use, open the Global.con file under the \Profiles parent directory first, then see which number it mentions, and go to that particular numbered directory to find the files mentioned below.

Click to enlarge

Most of the settings in these .con files can and should be altered using the in-game options. However there are a few things you can adjust which are unique to the .con files:


VideoSettings.setResolution 1280x960@75Hz

This setting controls your current resolution in Battlefield 2. The format is Width x Height@Refresh Rate. If you cannot start up BF2 and change the resolution from within the game, try altering it here to help you startup the game. In particular when you want to launch BF2 for the first time and the game just crashes back to desktop (See Troubleshooting Tips section), you can change the resolution from its default of 800x600@60Hz to one your monitor supports. Note however that certain resolutions are unsupported and entering them here will not work - see the Command Line section further below.

VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 4

VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 4

VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 4

VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 4

VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 4

VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 4

VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 4

VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 4

All of the above settings can be adjusted from within the in-game Video settings. However the highest they can be set to is High from within the game (a value of 3). By setting them each to 4 in Video.con (as shown above), you will have them displayed as 'Videosettings_Ultrahigh' in the in-game Video settings screen, and some people believe this increases the graphics quality to Ultrahigh levels. I didn't see any impact from this change, but if you want the absolute best quality in BF2 give it a try.
tried those settings but didn't notice any changes, ill have to have another mess around with them.. should it show in game on the drop down menu's UltraHigh ?
do like playing both Infantry and full on vehicle maps. The Vehicle maps I have to play in a sqaud with head sets on, as other wise you get stuffed by arty strikes or J10's from nowhere wasting you !
And as mentioned on here there are those players who get the jets all the time. I mean on 1 vehicle map I went I got waste 7 times before I even shoot at a bad guy. If I was not bombed, I was shot to pieces with a 20mm canon on a APC, run over buy a tank, taken out by an attack chopper !
Where is the fun in that ! ! ! ! !
The Infantry are good for kill rates, though now I think we need some new maps in the mix to liven things up slightly.
BF2 still has a lot of live left in it.
As a Jet pilot myself in BF2 I know where your coming from, it annoys me is when people take the jets and just use them to constantly rape the ground troops of the enemy team and ignore the helis and other jets in the air, or they use them to just go rape the enemy uncap.

I've given up on the majority of vehicle city maps, 9 times out of 10 the enemy holds back and just rapes the spawns with armour, not even bothering to try and cap the flag, this trend also seems to be migrating to IO too though where all you'll get for the entire round is people lobbing nades back n forth on karkand.

Air maps generally are ok as long as your team actually works as one, if the pilots can keep enemy planes busy its pretty easy to cap the flags quickly.
Can i throw this in if its ok...........
I try to play on a server with a map rotation (either city only or any map) cause u don't seem to get as much lameness.

Think ill have to start doing that, those wake or karkand only servers are filled with idiots lately!
From my own personal experience.


but I know quite a few peeps who went over to 2142 when it was released have gone back to playing BF2.
I much prefer BF2, 2142 was fun for a while but Titan mode was the only game type I was excited about and that became boring after a while. I just have a lot more fun on BF2 really.
I also went back to BF2 after 2142, BF2 just "feels" better and plays better.

As above, Titan mode was the only interesting game in 2142, but it was just too repetitive, unless everyone on the attacking team rushes it became a grind because defending the titan is too easy with a half decent team.
I never bought 2142 or got the demo even, I cant remember why exactly but I never heard anything about it that made me think it was worth the bother. Just get bf2 and try mods for it, FH2 is out today
A friend of mine got BF2142 because some of his online m8's did, and he wanted to stay in the little friendly team they having going. Though TBH I do not get vibed that he really enjoys playing it. I have have a few goes on BF2142, and really do not like it. I much perfer BF2 much more fun !
BF2142 seems so dark, and there is all those future weapons to learn, and speacial areas and uses for them. BF2 is straight forward, AK47, M16 piont and shoot.
more city maps eg sharqui, jalalabad, mashtuur would be a breath of fresh air. Mashtuur is by far my favourite map, IO or vehicle. would love to see some new city maps being developed but alas...bf2 is dead in developer terms
i prefer BF2 because of the better frames, look good on my laptop and still get decent frames, but with 2142 slightly lesson the graphics to get about the same frames but when ever i go in the titan the frames drop really low, sucks. also BF2 feels like you more in the game
A friend of mine got BF2142 because some of his online m8's did, and he wanted to stay in the little friendly team they having going. Though TBH I do not get vibed that he really enjoys playing it. I have have a few goes on BF2142, and really do not like it. I much perfer BF2 much more fun !
BF2142 seems so dark, and there is all those future weapons to learn, and speacial areas and uses for them. BF2 is straight forward, AK47, M16 piont and shoot.

Hear Hear !
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