A battlefield2 thread

next version of bf will be out on consoles first

with NO 64 player servers, with NO MOD content .. why bother

the free battlefield is just a kneejerk solution to Team Fortress 2 success and really just something to pass the time until they get the proper Battlefield 3 out on PC, until then BF2 is rightly the daddy
Battlefield heroes looks like a shallow get rich quick scheme. Not interested, will wait for BF3.

"Assorted taunts and emotes"
"Holding Q opens 6 panels each allows you to select a jeer, wisecrack, or suggestive body language. These can be bought with points just like abilities"
"Customizable Features: (in-game money will get you this)
* Heads, faces, necks, chests, hands, waists, legs, feet"
* Eye patches, badges, hats, boots, helmets, goggles, belts, glove"

All very kiddie.
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Who needs Taunts when you & your Squad can Teabag :D
I love it when i can get the whole squad Teabagging & Giggle like a schollboy constantly whilst doing it.
I am not quite ready to Grow up yet :p
Who needs Taunts when you & your Squad can Teabag :D
I love it when i can get the whole squad Teabagging & Giggle like a schollboy constantly whilst doing it.
I am not quite ready to Grow up yet :p

LOL my clan recently played ( and beat) another team in an infantry match., The opposing team got really really upset when we t-bagged them..........i tad touchy we all thought - whilst we were giggling like lunatics :):)
Why does this game take so damn long to level? :/

Ive being Gunnery Sgt (I think) for like 3-4 months now with only 5%

Played around 10 hours this week and its hardly moved and Ive done pretty good each round (30-70 points a round)

Why does this game take so damn long to level? :/

Ive being Gunnery Sgt (I think) for like 3-4 months now with only 5%

Played around 10 hours this week and its hardly moved and Ive done pretty good each round (30-70 points a round)


Are you playing on ranked servers?
Crouch/stand repeatedly (like dunking your teabag in the hot water ;)) over the body of the person you just killed

used typically after killing an opponent in a particularly spectacular fashion - like Knifing that stupid sniper with his stupid clays, or shock paddling an entire enemy squad. Its an insult really, a virtual flicking of the "V's" :):)
Anyone got any good Project Reality servers? I have voice comms etc/ and am good at following orders, have been in large groups on Eve, Planetside and OpFlash so am fairly versed in squad based games.
With BF2 the Dead dude just stares out his dead body/monitor for 30 seconds & can hear Everything.
The Perfect teabagging is to Dunk your Gonads in his mouth repeatedly by crouching over him using the auto chat "No Can Do".
Works lovely when some dude comes flying at you shooting spray & you single shot him dead or knife or Paddle him. He's trying to kill you & your answer is to waste him, Teabag him & taunt him with "No can Do". The more of your squad members you get doing it the better. :p
Obviously this is Completly childish & a slur to the victim especially when he comes steaming back raging & you do it again :p When your squad wastes another squad & you are all Teabagging the laughing gets to much & play becomes impossible :D
Childish, Disrespectful but very very funny when in a Squad :cool:
Cool, will be trying that! :D

Is it true that if you have the expansion packs you can unlock new weapons in bf2?

I think I need a little help unlocking weapons. Would some kind person be willing to play special forces with my account? :cool:

There are a few weapons that I would really like but just takes me forever to get to the next rank.:(
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