A battlefield2 thread

How do I find out my old login details for BF2.

try gamespy..account details are linked to here...you can retrieve your account also as long as you remember the email address that you used...i always take my bf2 profile from c:\ documents\bf2....and save them to usb dongle so i dont lose or forget my account.....i played it so much at one time it would be hard for me to forget anyhow :)
OK well I have just reinstalled.

Back when I used to play there was a site. That I could enter someones name and it would tell me the server they was on and I could then join it.

Is there anything liek that these days.
Damn Damn Damn, my new dvd drive from ocuk has not arrived yet and i want to start playing bf2 again. Its all installed and ready...tell me, does anyone have any issues with the game if they run a no cd patch...if one exists?
Damn Damn Damn, my new dvd drive from ocuk has not arrived yet and i want to start playing bf2 again. Its all installed and ready...tell me, does anyone have any issues with the game if they run a no cd patch...if one exists?

Use a disc image. Perfectly legal, no noisy DVD drive and the game loads faster although if you don't have a DVD drive atm you might have to download an image of the disc which is dodgy.
If you play online with a NO CD patch there's a chance your CD key will be banned for modified content. Guess you'll have to wait for your new drive :p
Damn Damn Damn, my new dvd drive from ocuk has not arrived yet and i want to start playing bf2 again. Its all installed and ready...tell me, does anyone have any issues with the game if they run a no cd patch...if one exists?
i dont think the game will work with a no-cd patch as PB sees it as modifeid and you will get kicked from there server...but you wont be penalised....just kicked!

How do you use a disk image??
Played since day one & still do, Nowt compares to BF2 IO.

Have to agree, I got this the week it was released I remember it well as it was my best friends wedding day and I was Best Man and before we left it came through the door…………..I was like dam….I want to play this game…:(

Anyway that was June 2005 and still playing it all be it on the PR Mod….I dropped the vanilla out the box version as its really kiddie time to play for me now that I’ve played PR. I’d love to work out the hours played to cost……must be like 0.0000001p a round or something never had Value for money like it. Only reason BF1942 got dropped was for BF2 but I do still miss the fantastic dog fights from BF1942…..
Don't panic step back & shoot them in the Face, Instant Proners are sitting Ducks & Nubs.

Totaly, if they are ducking close to you their face goes right past the end of your gun so as long as you are quick you can usualy headshot them.

I go prone if im shooting at longer ranges to reduce target size, but dolphin divers do annoy me :p
maxed everything at 1600x1200 wont go to 1900x1200 stupid ea...

all ea games wont allow me to use 1900x1200 :/ even crysis only allows me to do 1920x1080
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