I get crap after not playing for a week, takes like a good 2 or 3 matches to get the feel for the game again. This is especially true for sniper class, because it heavily relies on reflexes and a feel for the game mechanics to get good headshots.
I have had the game for 2+ year now and just started to play on line for about a month give or take(a little late i know), i am split on the game.
It took me sometime to get used to the doggy shooting physics in the game and this rolly thing ppl constantly do and get head shot from far far away is a little unrealistic(or maybe they are hackers??). A guy is standing in front of me, maybe about 2-5 meters, i point my gun in his direction and empty a round without aiming through the sight(shooting from the hip )and nothing nothing nothing...do this in real life i am very sure you will get a different result.
fire an antitank round in front of someone around a corner (i can clearly see him there, because the tip of his gun is visible) and nothing happens.
grenades don't have a realistic killing distance, you get tired too quick after running and many more annoying things.
its a very inconsistent game, some servers you run for eeeever and some its like you are a snail.
I usually play either medic if i am mec team or assault with G3 if I am USA/Chinese team. Have now become quite accurate both with aim and shooting form the hip.
There are toooooooooo many cheaters on the servers from what i have noticed, i pop my head up and gone with 1 shot from a guy a mile away with a mec medic AK.
I have clearly jumped over the guy and he is shooting in a different direction and i still die well so it looks like this.
the claymore sometimes have a killing zone of a mile sometimes and other times you walk right into them and and nothing goes off
its well...........inconsisten to say the least.
oh i can just imagine 111 players on each team. It woudl be a joke to be honest, specially on smaller maps like jalalabad or shall i say grenadabad. TOOooOoOoOooOOoO much grenades.
The spawning rules is just silly, you spawn everywhere, wait sometimes you cant spawn because of the red dot specialy in manshuur/grenadabad....it becomes a very frustrating very quickly.
still need to master this roll thing, drop my pings (move from ISP) and get a better mouse (currently on bog standard mouse/keyboard) but a great fun to play if you can live with the above.