Maybe aswell resurrect this thread as its the best multiplayer game ever! Anyone ever play it still? I used to play on 50klicks and be part of their clan. (my first and only clan)before i just got bored of gaming and stopped. Used to love the tactics involved with choppers, jeeps etc
What do i need to patch upto and get playing?
50Klicks are still going strong and still playing BF2 - so be good to have you back
Latest patch is v1.5 and you'll need it to play on any ranked servers (like ours)![]()
do you have a direct link i might pop on and have a game if thats ok as well![]()
been getting back into this after the farse of MW2... I love the fact profiles are online and all my stats / unlocks are still there despite not having played for over 2 years. Straight back into the game, and it still has a huge following. Love it!
I logged into my COD4 a couple of weeks ago and i have lost everything. (around 6 months of playing i think) Everytime i have gone back to BF2 its still all there.
A quick question about weapon unlocks:
Is there a way to unlock Special Forces weapons whilst playing the original BF2 maps? I think I read somewhere that you only had to play it for half an hour then you could switch back to BF2 and still be eligible for the unlocks upon promotion, is that right?