I don't really know how to play it, I had a go of it when it first came out but I was a bit rubbish.
I might pop on it in a minute then just to have a play around!
I keep getting kicked for unallowed driver/program?
What could this be?
Which server? What does Punkbuster say? Is PB up to date and the service running in the background?
I presume you've patched the game to 1.5 as well?
Steam did it all for me, PB passed on installation and I do believe that Steam updates it to 1.5 automatically!
Steam did it all for me, PB passed on installation and I do believe that Steam updates it to 1.5 automatically!
I'll admit you'll find me on the Sandviken one more often, a lot of us regulars from there migrated that way when BFG closed it's BF2 servers, but it all depends on player numbers when I join
APC driver for preference, but anything armoured will do. Shame I can't fly for diddly squat(Reasonable pilot/ gunner in a chopper, but nowhere near close to the decent peeps)
Constant noobtubing
bad dolphin diving tactics
and overall poor graphics. (even for the time.)
I did enjoy the emphasis on teamwork and the commorose is a lot better than Battlefield 3's.
The thing that annoys me most about BF2 is the sprint timer, and how slow the walk speed is (given the size of the maps).
Constant audio spam from the commander also gets on my nerves.
Plenty of vehicles in BF2 to go around, why walk lol, commander can even supply car drops.
That's not point I was making, when I refer to the walking speed being annoying, I'm referring to moments where you want to cross say a street or open area but you can't because the sprint timer has run out, it puts a dampner on the gameplay.
I just don't see the point of a game crippling feature such as that. In real war if you were under attack you're hardly going to say, damn I sprinted the last 20 seconds