A good reason not to holiday in Turkey?

23 Sep 2006
So, last night i was looking at holidays and whilst researching on tripadvisor about one particular hotel in turkey i read a comment about no pork products being served (it's an all inclusive hotel) and i was aghast. I thought even though it's a muslim country surely they would do so as the vast majority of tourists are going to be international and would like to eat pork.

As a result I immediately struck this hotel and potentially the whole of Turkey from any holiday considerations. The thought of going for two weeks with no porky goodness is a deeply disturbing one, I LOVE bacon and a holiday breakfast without any would be a very sad one indeed.

What are others thoughts? Deeply shallow and petty or justified?

Please consider that i have been to Turkey several times before as a child, though not at an all inclusive hotel, and all i'm looking for in a holiday is somewhere nice and hot where i can eat, drink and vegetate.
I think turkey is a lovely country,I have been there twice in the last three years and their food is lovely.if you want to eat English food stay in England or go to America
I pity you, I really do. Turkish food is one of my favourite cuisines in the world. Trust me on this, as soon as you take your first bite of marinated lamb, just cooked freshly on the coals with some grilled peppers and some pide, eating pig will be the furthest thing on your mind.

Go to Turkey. It is a truly wonderful country with the friendliest people. I recommend Kas, though if you are the type of person who prefers drinking beer in a bar all day watching football on holiday, please don't go there.
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I think that going to a foreign country and eating what you would at home is very depressing and shortsighted.

So every single item that you eat on holiday is from that country of origin and has no relation to anything you eat at home?

I'm not saying that i'm one of these types that has to have chips with every meal, i consider myself to have a wide and varied palate and will eat most foods. So on a foreign holiday i will eat much of the local cuisine, however I am very much a carnivore and if a hotel is refusing to provide one of my favourite meats then i find it a little off-putting.
You really can't go without pork for 2 weeks? Honestly?

Why people can't go abroad and enjoy the local culture rather than trying to just take 'Britain' to somewhere hot I don't know. Pet hate of mine.
I pity you, I really do. Turkish food is one of my favourite cuisines in the world. Trust me on this, as soon as you take your first bite of marinated lamb, just cooked freshly on the coals with some grilled peppers and some pide, eating pig will be the furthest thing on your mind.

Yeah but what does a full Turkish breakfast look like? That reminds me, there was a Turkish cafe in Stoke Newington that did me a fantastic full English breakfast once ... /drools.
I pity you, I really do. Turkish food is one of my favourite cuisines in the world. Trust me on this, as soon as you take your first bite of marinated lamb, just cooked freshly on the coals with some grilled peppers and some pide, eating pig will be the furthest thing on your mind.

As i said above, i have been to turkey 4-5 times previously. And i don't think i'll be eaing marinated lamb for breakfast.

To be honest, it's mainly the baconless breakfast that i have issues with.
I went to Turkey in 2000 and 2001 and the local cafés and resturants did have bacon however it was that crap European bacon, not the nice UK Real bacon.

As for the Turkish food - it was amazing! The freshly made naan breads still warm with fresh garlic butter smeared on top was heaven, they offer them out kinda like popadums at any Indian resturant in the UK.
you wont go to a hotel because it doesnt serve pork

lost for words....

maybe just stay in the UK and dont bother going anywhere else and experiencing different cultures than your own
So every single item that you eat on holiday is from that country of origin and has no relation to anything you eat at home?

I'm not saying that i'm one of these types that has to have chips with every meal, i consider myself to have a wide and varied palate and will eat most foods. So on a foreign holiday i will eat much of the local cuisine, however I am very much a carnivore and if a hotel is refusing to provide one of my favourite meats then i find it a little off-putting.

No of course not. But I have respect for local traditions and cultures and don't expect them to sacrifice their religious commitments in order to keep my ignorant desires satisfied.

I'd much rather tuck into a selection of meats, cheeses, olives and great coffee.
The time i went to Marmaris, there were loads of cafe's doing 'full english' breakfasts, with pork sausages and bacon.
But i will also repeat what has been already said, please try the local food, you will be pleasently surprised. ;)
I've been to turkey 5 times, and have just come back from a trip to tunisia (similar arab style country; customs,culture etc) and I love them.

The people are great, the weather generally good, and if you're into dodgy gear..well..i've been to istanbul once and good god. I was genuinely awestruck.

The noise, smell, everything it's just completely different.
Was haggling for a few rolex's to give to my mates (Ended up getting 5 for around £10. Mine still works now, 2 years later) and saw police shutting some guy down for selling counterfeit goods even though EVERY stall was fake watches, handbags, belts, tshirts, coats, shoes etc.

Great fun.
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