A send off... 2 weeks in Europe

Never had a problem with payment cards in France, other than the automated ones automatically authorising 100 euros for every fill up, so make sure you have plenty of credit!

Have had a few sunday petrol stresses, but hasn't seemed as bad recently. Big supermarkets tend to have petrol stations attached which are usually open. Sat Nav is pretty useless for finding petrol though - they never seem to be up to date.
I was also thinking about taking £500's worth of Euro's for fuel. So I can keep track of what I've spent. Wise or not so wise?
Get a euro pre pay credit card from travelex or similar. Should definitely be accepted and handy at keeping this separate. I used a dollar one in the US for a roadtrip.
Get a euro pre pay credit card from travelex or similar. Should definitely be accepted and handy at keeping this separate. I used a dollar one in the US for a roadtrip.

Why didn't I think of this? Free withdrawals as well... DONE!
Glad I could help. I used one all the time and they were great. Easy to transfer money on to it on my phone, plus you earn cashback on it too (or did when I had it, not sure now)
Just finished 2 weeks in the Pyrenees and Austurias, Spain. The travellex card I took had major issues at toll booths and petrol machines but luckily my rbos mastercard was always accepted this time. Still ran out of petrol once though :D

It's pathetic isn't it, we have Visa cards etc and ohhhh noooo, Europe has to be different and won't accept something the rest of the worlds seems fine with. So, how many miles you do fella? I'm off to Spain for a week three weeks today, anywhere recommended matey?
um I think it was about 3.5k over 2 weeks. I met up with some friends who where camping and cycling using a car to get around so I'd go off and do my own thing in the day and meet them at campsites. Worked pretty well as I could go my own speed, was stopping a lot for photos as well.

I'll shove some of the roads I did in your thread.
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