A test review...

No, The aim of the review was to see how it read and what not. I do not aim to review beer or lager or spirits at all. I aim to review gadgets and PC hardware, also maybe the odd game or two?

So, "a nice calm 'ha-pa-tist' as they opened" becomes "the mouse makes a satisfying 'click-ick-ick' as I press the buttons"? How about "this game is good because the box smells like cheese"?
No, The aim of the review was to see how it read and what not. I do not aim to review beer or lager or spirits at all. I aim to review gadgets and PC hardware, also maybe the odd game or two?

If that's all you can squeeze out of a beer review, you'll presumably struggle even more with something like PC hardware.

Not to mention there are a million and one hardware review sites around.
Isn't there also someone on here with a review site as well? They seem to be everywhere so try looking to review things that people may want but can't get their hands on.

The Tech review market is saturated.
Very off topic, but did you get that job with Brew Dog Ahleckz? I remember your previous thread! Any luck finding a room? :p

Did it for a month, but in the end decided it wasn't really for me. Location was prime reason - just that to far from Aberdeen really. Plus, Fraserburgh isn't a nice place. Gave it a bash, but didn't really see me going anywhere with the job. And, was pretty hard to find anywhere to stay. Wasn't keen on paying £25 a day for a B&B... Any my car isn't that comfy to sleep in.
"A test review..." is a title sure to pull in any avid forum reader. The title shrouds itself in a non-conformist fashion, void of any normal daily forum reading ritual, not following any standard of inquisition, luring the reader to hover for a brief synopsis.

Delving further into the brief summary provided by the thread tooltip the mystery starts to unfold, at a glance you would assume the thread was as the suggestive title portrayed, a theoretical execution of a review carried out by a user. Disappointment fully accounted for I walk into the thread, prepared and eager for the content that waits.

I can't help but immediately hold prejudice against the poster, carrying a clearly inane username and with little post count to enforce any kind of reputation. Aware of my prejudices, I shall endeavour to discount them, as they bear no tangible reflection on the content before us.

Having waded through the original post I conclude with a quote from Gian Carlo Menotti "A man only becomes wise when he begins to calculate the approximate depth of his ignorance". This thread it would seem beyond a depth I can fathom, for the wisdom is bare and the context is lost. I feel ill-informed, unguided and dejected. I came full of promise and hope, and left with confusion and dismay.

The motives were pure and the cause was just, but this thread was lost on me. 1/5.
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To small, not detailed enough, marking is not broken down into comparable sections and what is your base line? What is your fav normally? What is the nations fav by sales etc?

p.s. You wont be getting and free stuff to review with that effort.
op, you have missed a trick here. what you should do, is still stick with the reviewing idea but after say, 6 cans/pints, invite forum members to ask your opinion on things and continue drinking, hook it up to a video/web cam and you'd get lots of followers aslong as you are willing to make a complete tit of yourself.
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