Santa (Jeff) came again today and brought me some thermal pads, so time to fix these things down
I wanted to use the ½mm Thermal Grizzly pads on both the M.2 and the southbridge, but unfortunately it was too thin for the motherboard chip, so had to use some 1mm EK rubbish instead.
That made a nice little indent though so at least I know it's touching now! And don't worry, I did clean the chip and wipe the rubbish off the pad before mounting it properly
Both mounted and it's a perfect fit, almost as if ASUS meant for there to be a heatsink on the M.2...
Also had a change of heart on the painting. After thinking about it yesterday I decided that once the white radiator, white fans, white liquid filled reservoir and tubing etc is in then a tiny bit more red might break things up a bit.
Sooooo, out came the metallic red spray can. Think it works quite well with the stickers on the RAM and the flashes on the southbridge
Yeah, think I made the right call in the end...
It's also fair to say that painting can be added onto the list alongside cable sleeving as jobs that I'm exceptionally bad at. Just hoping 'bending PETG' doesn't join em
Hope you like it so far. Apart from playing around with a few ideas there might be a bit of a break now until I can get my hands on a GPU