A Window To Wales

My EK rads are UNC. My Watercool is M3. I would check to see which one it uses. If it is UNC I can link you to some I got on Fleabay that are nice and long. I used them on my build (Dianoga).

That would be awesome if you could mate, thanks :D
Think there's a load of dies in the garage somewhere mate so could strike lucky on that one, although knowing how it usually goes that'll probably be the one that's missing!

UNC is a US standard so you'll be lucky. Mind you, you only need clean up the cut edge so if it's fairly close, it could be good enough - just don't wind it up the thread.
Good news! Local metal work place can get some UNC 6-32 x 1½" and machine them to the exact length I want, all for a tiny fraction of the price of the Rainforest ones. It's nice when annoying little problems end up having easy solutions, was worried it was going to be a nightmare finding these :)
Good news! Local metal work place can get some UNC 6-32 x 1½" and machine them to the exact length I want, all for a tiny fraction of the price of the Rainforest ones. It's nice when annoying little problems end up having easy solutions, was worried it was going to be a nightmare finding these :)

Or get them from boltbase on eBay... I think I got 100 for £8, countersunk and they have all the sizes in all lengths.
Couldn't find any on eBay mate, only UNC 6-32 I could find were all 30mm or shorter. Only 35mm long one's I could find online were far too expensive so got local shop to make me 40 of em for the price of half dozen off t'internet :)
Couldn't find any on eBay mate, only UNC 6-32 I could find were all 30mm or shorter. Only 35mm long one's I could find online were far too expensive so got local shop to make me 40 of em for the price of half dozen off t'internet :)


1.5" is 38mm.

You don't necessarily need a tap to recut the threads. Just get a UNC nut, screw it on and then cut it down. When you take off the nut it will clean up the thread for you.

I used 38mm on my EK rads and they worked fine. No grills either.
I've got some coming now mate but cheers for the link. Only problem with that style head is I think it might be too tall, needs to be shallow enough that they don't protrude past the panel or they'd hit the green / white panels. Luckily I've managed to find some with button heads that are as small as the original phillips headed bolts & are also cut to exactly the right length, so should be good to go :)

Also, after a bit more research, I've decided to go the cheaper route on the GPU. Was going to wait for the 1080Ti but after seeing 1080 v 980Ti comparisons I'm going to use an MSI 1080 instead. The 980Ti in the current rig bosses anything I throw at it so the 1080 should be more than enough, and the difference in price should cover the block for it and leave some cash towards the other Aquaero I need. Still going to wait until new year though to see if there's any bargains to be had :D
If only you'd bought a pair of MSI Gaming X's I'd say it's a deal, but not sure the house insurance covers EVGA fire lighters ;)

Haha you actually planning on selling em on though mate?
If only you'd bought a pair of MSI Gaming X's I'd say it's a deal, but not sure the house insurance covers EVGA fire lighters ;)

Haha you actually planning on selling em on though mate?

Planning, no... Tempted by new stuff next year... Yes. :)
After what seems like an eternity of zero progress due to lack of time, lack of funds, lack of space and everything imaginable preventing progress, I thought I'd at least get something done today.

Plan was to get the floor done (minus the EL panel), then sort the EL panel for the dragon in the front panel and make a start on the top loop. Well, as per usual things didn't go to plan!

First issue: An A4 sheet of vinyl is the perfect size for the floor, but guess which colour I have on a roll that's about 15mm narrow than an A4 sheet? Yep, black :mad:

Oh well, that's that idea out of the window until new vinyl arrives then! Still, after setting everything up decided I may as well run a quick trial / proof of concept to see how it looks...


The res randomly laying on the floor will be green and roughly in that position if all goes well, just lay that one there to get a rough idea of how much space I had to play with.


Very quickly bodged up with the eye missing, massive air bubbles etc, but what you think? Should look OK once it's done properly with the dragon in red :)

Planning on using window tint film for the dragon, like the trial piece below :cool:



Other problem? Back in work now so made ZERO real progress again :mad:

Oh well, at least now I know it'll work and have the design saved ready...
Nice. Should look good when done properly :D
Work does have a habit of getting in the way of making progress. Very irritating!
Ello dragon. Good to see you're back at it post Xmas, that tint looks nice - slightly transparent will work really well if it is?

I'm in the same boat re: slow progress but we'll get there one day!
Cheers guys :D

Work is more than irritating for me through Jan & Feb, being self employed it takes stupid hours for a couple of months to make up for Christmas and New Year drop off. Missus is off to China & Japan* in March though so hopefully get the cash for the 1080 before then and hammer through it while she's away.

Yeah it's semi transparent window film, so works very well. Better than I ever hoped for tbh! Have also got a slightly deeper red than the one shown so will probably go with that :)

How are your builds coming on? Not really been online much over the last few weeks so got a lot to catch up on!

*I wanted to go but a 1080 is more important!
Hmm, holiday to Japan or a 1080. Tough one. I think I'd have gone with Japan but only because I've got a 980Ti already....although, a 1080 wouldn't involve futilely trying to entertain my son (5) for an unreasonable number of hours shut in a cramped box (plane) ill-equipped for a child's needs!

I've been busy fooling myself that I wouldn't need to order anything to transplant my wife's PC into my old watercooled case :D *cough*idiot*cough* Update posted :)
Trouble is the holiday would have covered the 1080, the extra Aquaero and numerous other components, and also meant a couple of weeks off work with no income... Would have been nice but unfortunately it was a no-go until Paddy Power get more generous :(

Haha yeah, young kids and long haul flights aren't the best mix ever, there isn't a movie / TV series on the planet will keep em entertained for that long!

Still have the 980Ti in the old build which was going to be used, but yes, you know how it goes when you plan on reusing old bits...! Think it was the right call not demolishing it though, got the old one on the TV and this one will be on my work monitor when it's done, so we can both game / watch TV :)
Well my build has reached a point where I have to learn to be a plumber, that's how bad it's got :)

I've come to terms with making slow progress though, need to order a ton of sleeving again and finish that job which I've part made the cables for so not a total loss. Gives you a lot of time for small touches im finding which is quite nice so keep on going, that red dragon will look great!
Oh yes, the ol' copper pipe. It's going to look stunning when it's finished but don't envy the work / skill it'll take! One of these could be a life saver if you're at all nervous about it leaking :)
That's true, trouble is it gives you far too much time to make extra work for yourself. Knocked my case together for 2 minutes just to check something and somehow made new jobs for both covers & lighting ideas :D

Hoping the dragon will look good as it has been a right PITA to do! Altered the loop layout to make room as well so if it goes wrong now...!
Dr Drop is a great tool but the gauges are really low quality. If it should get knocked it has a tendancy to read about 0.2 bar with nothing connected. Had one that suffered this in transit and the replacement decided to throw itself to the floor somehow - despite being placed (seemingly securely) and suspended by the hose if not. The valves and/or gauge aren't as air-tight as you'd hope for too; meaning you have to get an idea of what sort of drop is normal and what indicates a leak. I find it seems to lose a little of the first half hour and then it's reasonably stable. Definitely preferable to blindly filling it and waiting to see what gets wet though. For the price - buy it without the pump and use a car footpump (or bike with a car-style valve fitting) - it's invaluable.

Smffy: Would running a blow-torch over the area you want to bend make it malleable enough to avoid the rippling?
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