Bit more progress as the build edges ever closer to completion.
First up I wanted to hide those fans which are, in my opinion at least, seriously fugly.
Much better. But why stop there...?
As the case needed a bit more subtle lighting to get things glowing I may as well kill 2 birds with one stone
Quick mock up to check it's going to work:
You can see where this is going...
One nearly finished piece.
Eeeeeeeewwwwww! Fugly fans AND chavtastic lighting
Much better
Gives out quite a decent amount of light for one small LED strip hidden behind 5mm frosted perspex. Again, ignore the awful purple tint, hopefully the pictures will come out properly once I get my hands on the DSLR and learn how to use it!
Only issue (apart from the light bleed, it was only chucked in loose to check it would work and I've not mounted it properly yet)?
Yep, it showed up how wonky that tube from the pump to front radiator is
Wasn't really happy with it before as it wasn't right on the horizontal or the vertical and it looks even worse now, so time to drag out the one remaining piece of pipe and pray it goes well...
Much better!
Still not perfect, but a lot closer on both axis
Front LED's have now been wired into the same switch as the top ones, so getting VERY close to completion now