You need to change your sig![]()
first of all, it is overlcokable, id prefer going z68 as it has smart cahce, and i plan on sometime maybe caching a ssd for better speeds, also has more options, and overall look better and are nicer.
S chip's are about power efficiently right?
well im not sure, and it doesn't really make much of a difference to me
isnt t meant for 45watt or lower TDP asn S for 65watt tdp?
Return the crap chip, wait and get a 2500k.
Just build slowly if you cant afford it otherwise your just gonna end up with another crap rig.
Once again you ignore advice and waste money on a chip you think you can overclock.
ssd cach is relatively cheep, £75 gets me a ocz vertex 3 64gb i think or there abouts, i can now afford a 2500k and this is only a future situation, as i do not want to spend all my money on a build at once, i prefer to buy clothes and other luxury's rather than just computers.
then why are you creating an "enthusiast" build at all? you could get an old core2duo, 4gb of ram + basic gpu machine all fine and itd take care of web browsing, documents and the occasional game.
The point is that the very platform that takes sandybridge costs a lot of money, so you may as well shell out the extra notes and get a processor worth its salt.
Sorry if it sounds harsh, but it's meant as genuine advice. i always used to compromise and get the worse option becuase i "wanted it now" and i always regretted it and ended up selling/changing later on. Ignore people saying hurry up, just take your time, and do it right.
Its your build after all.
being a teenager
being a lazy teenager
having to share a room with a brother
working on computers a hell of allot
and well, generealyl not very tidy doesnt help
=very messy room
anyway, has to be said im not missing out on much with my i5
"crap chip" arrived today
In a moment ill cancel my sapphire order, and order a different board for monday.
but ill keep the choice a surprise
Post pictures - make crap thread crapper please![]()
Why don't you cancel the order? Just send them a webnote?