A ZZZAC Thread: Project ZZZAC

Would have been better if you saved a few notes for a full rebuild and made a project log when you actually had the parts. Considering you seem to be able to make a few quid from your PC fixing/dealings I'm sure it wouldn't of taken you long to save enough for a 2500k, Z68 board and 8GB ram.

For £85 the cpu sounds a bargain, although as said previously would obviously have been better (and yes twice as expensive) to just get a 2500k and delay any future CPU upgrades.

Instead of surprising everyone with a full project with a high end overclocked setup, instead we're left with more of the same as we've always seen from you - a lack of patience, and not much end product (yet).

Still I will return to this page in the future to see what you managed to knock together, even if only temporarily before you've broken it! LOL

Would have been better if you saved a few notes for a full rebuild and made a project log when you actually had the parts. Considering you seem to be able to make a few quid from your PC fixing/dealings I'm sure it wouldn't of taken you long to save enough for a 2500k, Z68 board and 8GB ram.

For £85 the cpu sounds a bargain, although as said previously would obviously have been better (and yes twice as expensive) to just get a 2500k and delay any future CPU upgrades.

Instead of surprising everyone with a full project with a high end overclocked setup, instead we're left with more of the same as we've always seen from you - a lack of patience, and not much end product (yet).

Still I will return to this page in the future to see what you managed to knock together, even if only temporarily before you've broken it! LOL


oh come on, im not really missing out on much of a hold back from upgrades, and tbh im only expecting this chip to last me until September-ish next year when it starts to show its age.
yeah, im missing a few points in all cpu benches, but efficiently, i probably wouldn't have gone mad clocking my 2500k either.
and for half the price weather i had money for a 2500k or not i would have gone for it.
Update, ordering the board tonight, and will get ram after i have tried my current ram, as it passed memtest the other day, so i am still not sure weather its my board or my ram, or both.
and i left a note for my mum to cancel the order of my board that was not in stock.
Note: i promises not to brwakes disss one :p
i dont think i can clock it much
stop treating me like i have no knowledge, I am building fixing or selling a computer now on the average of every other day.
I can over-clock the chip via the fsb, yet im probably not going to.
That is because my own phenom is a terrible and overall faulty chip, due to buying it on b grade and no realising the old used most of over-volted it something stupid.
Do not think im ignore advice, i was advised to go intel sandybridge, and i have,
you want to know how much i paid for my i5 2310 that was on offer?
Knowingly that i would not get all that much performance for the extra £90, the £90 that i didnt have
Generally to counter act the "don't rush the build" i was rushed by people on here saying how my thread was so disappointing.ect when my first purchase fell through.

What FSB?
You mean BLK, and it's highly advised not to adjust it.

dont tell me what i mean!
i mean "BE" as an abbreviation of "black edition"
and its only advised to adjust it till it starts stressing the ram and other components involved.
none the less ive seen people over-clock stably a phenom x6 locked cpu to 4ghz
Is this the biggest fail of ocuk build log history :p
Serious advice: Sell everything then ask for advice and start again.
I really don't know how you can say your not compromising on the chip, it was a decent price sure but 2500k will OC to 4.6 without any extra help so there's no risk of knacking it like your old one.
OURGH!!! I DONT WANT OR NEED TO OVERCLOCK! IVE SAID THIS ALREADY, AND IT WILL LAST ME THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME, IM NOT LOSING MUCH PERFORMANCE, AND WILL UPGRADE WHEN I WANT/NEED TO, and right now im on a tri core, from 2008, three years later it still runs games to my satisfaction, im only upgrading due to system instability that is throughout the board cpu and possibly the ram....
okay its a compromise not getting the k chip, but it really is not much of one, i will loose a tiny tiny amount of power to be honest, and wait a minute, the first chip i was going to buy was a 2500 not a 2500k, and no one through a fit over that.
it truly is mystical how someone saving themselves money and compromising for a little little bit less power upsets you guys!
Now stop raging because i settled for maybe 5-8 fps less when the chip starts ageing a little and showing its age, and it should still pretty much flawww most games at max (exc battlefield 3)

SO: serious question do you want a project logg or are you just going to keep raging at me for compromising a lil tiny tiny bit?
If you keep raging and sobbing that i have "messed up again" or "sell everything then start again"
witch is useless for like 5-8fps in games that actually utilise 4 or more cores properly
one last thing, you seriously do give some very uneconomical and useless advice on this here forum.
i'd argue uneconimcal is buying that chip and then deciding:

tbh im only expecting this chip to last me until September-ish next year when it starts to show its age.

over the course of the 3/4 years, you'd end up spending more money this way.

The reason people are recommending the 2500K is becuase you're already getting a mobo that supports it, and overclocking, and that it wll last you at least 4 years realistically. They aren't recommending it purely becuase it costs more and we feel everyone needs the very very best even when its not necessary.
i'd argue uneconimcal is buying that chip and then deciding:

over the course of the 3/4 years, you'd end up spending more money this way.

The reason people are recommending the 2500K is becuase you're already getting a mobo that supports it, and overclocking, and that it wll last you at least 4 years realistically. They aren't recommending it purely becuase it costs more and we feel everyone needs the very very best even when its not necessary.
you're expecting me to get another year out of an overclock, i could if i pushed it but overall i dont want to, soon i will actually be out of school and hopefully get a job, i will be able to afford allot more than i can now, infact to say, ive got 6 months till freedom, and im able to go out and get a job or an aprenteship.
And has anyone else seen Linus's explanation on "futerproofing" a rig :rolleyes:
in reality at the rate techs improving youre better of spending half as much as you were planning and keep it half as long before upgrades.
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