Poll: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2021, Yas Island - Race 22

Rate the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix out of ten. If you want. I can’t be arsed.

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We actually agree on more than you probably think, I am fine about the last lap, other than it's something to sort out for the future, I would never want the title changed because of that. I also like competition, a close fight, and the year we had 7 different winners in the first 7 races was great..

I think you may be reading too much in to my stance on RBR/Max, I just don't like their not very sporting behaviour.. It might just be me, but (just one small example) forcing a crash by brake checking your competitor because he doesn't want to play ball with your cheap shot with the DRS line is about as classy and likeable as Delboy with a filofax :D

And Helmet almost annually threatens to pull out of F1.. he did this a day after the race, god knows why, he'd had lady luck shining on him and no one disputes Max wasn't a worthy title holder (even if he's a bit marmite in terms of his approach), this kind of threat has serious ramifications and only designed to influence decisions in your favour..

Absolutely, RB have never been my favourite team, and out of all the teams, they would be the poster child for “win at all cost” as that’s what their leadership drives. Max and old Vettel fit that bill perfectly.

Max used that aggressive style to his advantage and by the time Lewis had enough of, it was too late, with a lot more at risk. I think next season Lewis won’t put up with that from race 1, which may be Maxs wake-up call.

All that being said, brand new cars with similar engines, I give Merc advantage, although I’m hoping to see Ferrari or Mclaren back on form.

On the plus side Sky Entertainment is cheaper than Sky Sports so hopefully they'll move F1 over to that, as it's not a sport now.
Very disappointed. If a team isn't going to protest something this egregious, then they are complicit in the whole process. Looks like I'm finding better things to do with my time after watching F1 all my life.
I think that Mercedes will have gotten strong enough guarantees around the review and investigation that they are happy they have made their point. This way everyone will know that Max was gifted it, but Mercedes can say they hold the moral high ground in the interests of the sport.
In my eyes Lewis won this season, official or not. Max drove like an idiot most of the year and then lucked out in the most improbable way possible. Hoping Sainz puts in a strong performance next year, and Ricciardo.
I think it's the only best outcome we could hope for. At least the championship for 2021 is forever tainted and will go down in the books with an asterisk next to it.

It's horrendously unfair on Lewis, but what can you do? He's far too big to want the championship handed over in court. He'd never live that down among his peers.

I'll take comfort in the fact that RB's few days of celebration have been stymied and everyone had been distracted by all of this. They clearly wanted to win the championship by hook or by crook, and that's the kind of ending you deserve by playing it that way.
Hoping Sainz puts in a strong performance next year

Does it matter if he does? He wasnt given the opportunity to compete by the race director on Sunday so who is to say it will be any different next year?

If there is a safety car, the race director can just keep the lapped cars between him and whoever is in front of him whilst clearing them for others, apparently.
I think Mercs argument was strong and they would've won - but what then; I would imagine the race result would be voided, this doesn't help Merc and the whole affair would tarnish F1 even more.

I'll be suprised if MM keeps his job.
Very disappointed. If a team isn't going to protest something this egregious, then they are complicit in the whole process. Looks like I'm finding better things to do with my time after watching F1 all my life.
Wouldn’t be surprised Masi getting the boot was agreed as part of withdrawing the appeal.
FIA have said there will investigation but I suspect that is just to keep Merc out of the courts hence the announcement by Merc to withdraw appeal. I doubt anything will come out of it. The stewarding this season has been highly controversial and they have set precedents with allowing it, for the next season.
This from Max pretty much sums it up (i.e he will continue driving others off track):
But Verstappen said he did not expect to change his approach to wheel-to-wheel racing even if Formula 1 officials keep to their current line that he is not allowed to force drivers off the track when trying to attack or defend.
"Probably not because maybe I just have to make them realise, being forceful," Verstappen said.
"I have a very good relationship with them. When I'm in there [the stewards' office], it's not like I don't like them. I go to them and we have a good chat and we talk about it and it doesn't go into my favour.
"It's not like I then dislike them or whatever; I just don't agree with what they decide.
"From my side, I'm like: 'Well, that's how I race and that's how I think it's fair but I don't agree with that particular decision.'"
I think it’s an okay outcome, it brings all teams to the table in what should be an open discussion. If it had gone through the courts, the other teams may not have wanted to get involved.

As long as they review things properly, and change things for the good of the sport, it’s a good result that Mercedes have achieved by putting the pressure on.
Susie Wolff's statement seems to say what others have been refusing to say inside F1 teams.

"The decision of one person within the governing body who applied a rule in a way which has never been done before in F1 singlehandedly decided the F1 drivers' championship."

"Rules are rules; they can't be changed on a whim by one individual at the end of a race."
Susie Wolff's statement seems to say what others have been refusing to say inside F1 teams.

"The decision of one person within the governing body who applied a rule in a way which has never been done before in F1 singlehandedly decided the F1 drivers' championship."

"Rules are rules; they can't be changed on a whim by one individual at the end of a race."

Indeed. That is the crux of the issue. The most important thing is that this rule that Masi made up would NEVER make it into the rulebook/regulations because it quite obviously does not treat all the competitors in the same way.
I guess we’ll see what comes out of this review. I hope something positive as Merc are giving up their chance to, rightfully, force the issue. Though it’s the FIA so doubt anything will change.
I guess we’ll see what comes out of this review. I hope something positive as Merc are giving up their chance to, rightfully, force the issue. Though it’s the FIA so doubt anything will change.

I'm hoping they will review the Race Director role, and either give it more support or split it into several roles. I want to see Masi go, but getting rid of him won't solve the structural problems with the setup. Appeals should also no longer be looked at by the same stewards who are active during the race.
I think it's the only best outcome we could hope for. At least the championship for 2021 is forever tainted and will go down in the books with an asterisk next to it.

It's horrendously unfair on Lewis, but what can you do? He's far too big to want the championship handed over in court. He'd never live that down among his peers.

I'll take comfort in the fact that RB's few days of celebration have been stymied and everyone had been distracted by all of this. They clearly wanted to win the championship by hook or by crook, and that's the kind of ending you deserve by playing it that way.

Heck of a change from October in the Turkey GP thread when you were still declaring this to be one of the best seasons in recent history:

On that note, I did chuckle when Max was being interviewed by Coultard after the race, when asked what the hardest part of the race was, said "Staying awake" :D

I'm sure his sponsors love comments like that. Shows yet another reason why/how he needs to grow up.

Meh, at least one of them is willing to admit on camera that it's all a bit crap.

If you don't like it why are you in here? This has been one of the most exciting seasons in recent memory. We're 6 races from the end and the championship could go either way. There's what 6 points in it? There's been great racing, championship contenders actually going toe-to-toe, shocking incidents, history could be made with Lewis's 8th title... I don't really know what else you could ask for in a F1 season to be honest...

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