Abundance of games - Scarcity of interest.

3 May 2012
I think you've got to keep trying different things, or replay old games you know you love until something clicks.

You hit the nail on the head here.

I was watching my 6 year old son playing Minecraft. Now I'm aware of Minecraft, roughly what it is, and that it's been around for a number of years, and I had no interest in playing it at all.

Anyway, he was playing it on his switch, and getting frustrated with it because he didn't really know how to do the crafting etc. I wanted to try and help him, but I'm rubbish trying to use consoles so I thought I'd buy a copy of my PC so I could learn the basics.

......a month later and I am properly addicted to Minecraft.
1 Feb 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
You hit the nail on the head here.

I was watching my 6 year old son playing Minecraft. Now I'm aware of Minecraft, roughly what it is, and that it's been around for a number of years, and I had no interest in playing it at all.

Anyway, he was playing it on his switch, and getting frustrated with it because he didn't really know how to do the crafting etc. I wanted to try and help him, but I'm rubbish trying to use consoles so I thought I'd buy a copy of my PC so I could learn the basics.

......a month later and I am properly addicted to Minecraft.
Great to share a game/passion with your son too!
19 Dec 2010
A few years ago, I was jaded with PC gaming too. No game could hold my attention for more than a few minutes. Before I would even start a game I would be saying why bother??

Then I got my first VR headset back in 2016. Then everything changed. VR literally bought a whole new dimension to games. 8 years later I still really enjoy gaming in VR. However me enjoying VR isn't the reason I am posting this. A side effect of getting a VR headset was that it brought back my love of PC gaming. I don't know why. But games I couldn't play for more than 10 minutes without been completely bored, I am now finishing. Maybe it was because I took complete break from even trying to play PC games when I got the VR headset. I don't think I played or even thought about playing a PC game for about a year after the headset.

Maybe that's what you need to do to? Not just take a break from PC gaming, but find something that makes you stop thinking about PC gaming completely.
18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
Well last night I managed about 1.5hrs of Animal Well and I thoroughly enjoyed it. So there's hope for me yet!

Also I got a quest 3 recently and admittedly quite enjoyed playing some Darth Vader thing.

I think I probably need to put my phone away, remove distraction, get comfortable and commit to some short games that don't require months to complete.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
A few years ago, I was jaded with PC gaming too. No game could hold my attention for more than a few minutes. Before I would even start a game I would be saying why bother??

Then I got my first VR headset back in 2016. Then everything changed. VR literally bought a whole new dimension to games. 8 years later I still really enjoy gaming in VR. However me enjoying VR isn't the reason I am posting this. A side effect of getting a VR headset was that it brought back my love of PC gaming. I don't know why. But games I couldn't play for more than 10 minutes without been completely bored, I am now finishing. Maybe it was because I took complete break from even trying to play PC games when I got the VR headset. I don't think I played or even thought about playing a PC game for about a year after the headset.

Maybe that's what you need to do to? Not just take a break from PC gaming, but find something that makes you stop thinking about PC gaming completely.

What he said. If I understood right he is saying try VR pron and if that does not work go escorts :p
19 May 2005
Last games I really got into were Fallout 3, Skyrim, the witcher 3 and GTA5 (single player). I don't think its anything to do with age for me. I think its just that it now takes 10+ years for the next games as they want to milk online for all its worth, so for the last decade there has been less games I am interested in. I'd have played the crap out of a new single player Fallout, ES or GTA. Now the worry for me is how drastically the gaming industry has changed in the last decade+ and what effect that will have on the next games, as well as the fact many talented devs, writers and artists have probably moved on or retired in that time.
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25 Mar 2003
getting old does this i think, it happened to me also

you get much less of a buzz out of gaming
I agree, no buzz and scarcity of time as other are saying. Ive got a cupboard full of games which were on deal when I bought them. Thinking i'll get round to playing this one day - but that day never comes so I have loads of games still wrapped. I think about selling them but can't becuase 'one day' i'll get the urge to play them. I also got the steam deck when it first came out thinking i'd complete my backlog of Steam games but that hasnt worked either!
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27 Oct 2005
Yes, Occasionally I will get series movies and games that catch mt attention, but I have been like this since 2008 ish :). Most of the time they dont :(.

I do try to finish games more before buying new ones though, sometimes just giving it a longer go catches my interest, e.g. Cyberpumk or Witcher 3, they are great story wise.

I do tend to return to older games: AOE2, OpenTTD, older total war series, older civ games... I guess I have a go-to thing :).
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23 Dec 2018
Humble Bundle is a contributor to this for me, I keep it going for charity and that every month there's at least one game I might not have tried otherwise that I end up enjoying.

The flipside is you get a ton of games that many will never even activate, let alone play. As for completing a Steam backlog, many of us will never get to do that, or should even want to attempt it as it would be pointless and impossible for many.

Humble Bundle great for taking effort out of choosing games, even AA and AAA games can endvup there eventually. Then you've got the Epic store giving away hundreds of games including GTAV. It's no wonder that gamers have more than they can actually play.

Add enulation and gamers are spoiled for choice, but with so many new major games being disapointments, it's hard to know what's really worth playing.
20 Jun 2023
I have an issue with concentration. I find when **** starts getting too faffy I lose interest. It's definitely gotten worse as I've gotten older. Although to be fair some games don't help themselves. I used to love Championship Manager. I literally lived on 97/98. The newer iterations (Football Manager) have got so complicated it doesn't feel like the fun it should.

I used to love Wow, I played non stop from vanilla to MoP, but I bet I'd lose interest in 99% of that should I go back.
17 Feb 2009
Anyone else feel similar? There are more games than ever, yet only a handful manage to make an impact.

Definitely. A lot of new high title games I play for a while then lose interest as they become very repetitive.
Certain games like Portal 2 ( community chambers ) or surfing on CS 2 for example I can blast for hours
14 May 2011
Cornwall, England
I've got somewhere around 40 games installed and ready to boot up (mostly small indie games), but after scrolling through them at the end of a long day at work I rarely launch one.
Though I do also have other hobbies that keep me busy, so for me it's mostly a case that video games are often lower down the queue of interests.

If I do end up booting up a game, it's usually something slow paced that only requires a little bit of my focus like a city builder or grand strategy game.
I find I mostly get into a good full day or two of gaming when I have a week or more off work, otherwise I might only get in a couple of hours every few weeks.
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