I believe
@Malt_Vinegar did it to his?
Yup, worked well.
Learned a few things I would do it better when I do it again.
Prep is key, and funnily enough getting a good key is also key!
I painted with a small 2 inch brush, working to keep brush strokes in one direction, working with the panels and making them join up in a pleasing way.
Never tried a roller. As I was trying to keep wastage to a minimum. 2 small 500ml tins would have done 4-5 coats on my old a4 estate.
Many light coats worked well. Thicker coats did not adhere as well, and we're prone to flaking off where the prep was not as good. So I had to take it back to primer again.
2 coats is minimum. 3 good.
I tended to work two panels at a time, unless it was the bonnet or roof (due to size), as it meant that the first panel coat were generally good for a recoat after painting the second. It seemed to dry in 10-15 minutes on a warm day.
A lightly breezy day with sun worked well, if painting outdoors. Not strong enough to kick up dirt and dust, but kept the tiny flies away.
It's easy and fun. Looks perfectly passable ad a paintjob (dare i say good!) even when pretty close. The textured look when you got really close was quite cool too