I've been testing mine for the past 2 days. Initially I was disapointed. Sure they were a crisper cleaner sound than my Creative 6700's but were they really worth £100? I was disapointed that one of my favourite tracks was actually more distorted than it was on my Creatives. However. After swapping from iTunes to Winamp and testing out some other tracks I've come to love these speakers. I'm sure its just an issue with the equalizer thats causing iTunes to mess up at the moment. I was wowed by the extra detail I could hear in Radiohead's tracks, by the clarity of some acoustic albums I have and by the oh so lovely bass on the Batman Begins soundtrack. I've got mine set at level 2 and I'm starting to appreciate how some tracks don't have any bass and how some have perfect bass. They've done exactly what I wanted which was to fall in love with my tunes again I'll take some pics of mine, I got the white ones. White monitor, keyboard, mac, etc