Hey remember that last drone strike near the airport that everyone's now forgotten about a few weeks later because the news has moved on? The one which a suicide bomber in a car was targetted and the US Military said that the proof was the large secondary explosions after the strike? That strike?
Well it turns out the US Military just lied in a cover-up after making a mistake.
When journalists do actual investigative journalism I'm behind them 100% and in this case the New York Times decided to actually do some investigative journalism and ewhat they found was that the whole chain of events, as told by the US Military, rather than being a suicide bomber, is simply an aid worker driving around doing his job trying to help people.
I understand that mistakes can be made in high pressure situations but when General Milley, the highest ranked Military Officer in the US, said “Because there were secondary explosions, there is a reasonable conclusion to be made that there is explosives in that vehicle,” and that turns out to be a lie, that means that someone in the kill chain has done so deliberately in an attempt to cover-up their mistake because, to quote the Times -
Looking at the images myself it's extremely clear there's been no secondary "larger" explosion/explosion's, just the usual sort of damage caused by a single Hellfire to a pick-up (seen it a few times).
Now if this was a Hollywood movie there'd be a massive investigation, Tom Cruise would get some Officer to shout "You can't handle the truth" etc and the someone would end up in jail for this cover-up but sadly, back in the real world, absolutely nothing will be done to the person who, rather than admit a mistake has been made, has lied to their command instead.
Biden's team hit the wrong person.
And killed children. More blood on his hands.