Afghanistan - 20 years on

Most of my sources of news have gone quiet now :s

Been a few AC130s of different types popping up out of the Gulf of Oman which I'm assuming are on their way back either from operations or evac.
I'm not sure even now they have the capability to over-run Kabul but even a couple of days ago I wouldn't have thought it credible the Taliban would be knocking on the door for weeks yet. Was right the Afghan army didn't stand a chance spread out all over though - without pulling back to solidified defensive lines it was only a matter of time.
Wondering when the stories of hopelessly corrupt Afghani government officials jumping on chartered flights out of the country will start appearing...
Not sure where they are in thr evacuation op, but they were out earlier than reported. Seems like it will be in overdrive now or pretty much wrapping up soon if reports are correct that the taliban attacks on kabul are immediate. Can't imagine UK/US forces are expecting to stay for any action. No doubt there will be plenty going on SF but not sure. Definitely lots of air traffic going on, easy to bounce from UAE/Oman/Qatar as all have allied Air bases.

Pretty sure they have chinned off thr PCR covid test for now too as that was a requirement last week... imagine.
Ah just saw the twitter post from earlier, typical.

Well hopefully this brings an end to the US's flimsy attempts at regime change.

I wouldn't say flimsy, just Western standards don't really work with one of the most corrupt countries in the world. China could do it though, by bribing on mass, locking done entire regions (they have recent experience in this...) and committing atrocities on the ones that don't play ball that would make our own look thoughly amateur.
The greatest waste of life and effort in modern times.

Surely there will be no invasion/occupation escapades again? It's proven to be totally fruitless multiple times.
I'm not sure even now they have the capability to over-run Kabul but even a couple of days ago I wouldn't have thought it credible the Taliban would be knocking on the door for weeks yet. Was right the Afghan army didn't stand a chance spread out all over though - without pulling back to solidified defensive lines it was only a matter of time.

Same, but from the speed theyve entered these cities its obvious they just walked in without much resistance, the ANA are defecting/leaving rather than fighting.

Comments from soldiers who the apparently trained ANA confirm this as well.

The UN will obviously condemn the taliban with very harsh words once they start executing unveiled women in the street again. :rolleyes:
I don't know what to make of it all, I mean I never bought any of the guff that came from Western governments, 'hearts and minds' and all that crap. But to see it all unfold in what, a few weeks? After Biden so confidently claimed the Afghan forces would be able to hold their own ground, it's really quite astonishing to see those so called 'forces' literally dropping their tools and defecting/running away.

Now, to see Western forces rushing to get their personnele out of there as fast as humanly possible, so they can get the hell out - it's really quite embarassing.
The greatest waste of life and effort in modern times.

Surely there will be no invasion/occupation escapades again? It's proven to be totally fruitless multiple times.

Agreed. No more, surely. Iraq effectively bankrupted our military as the UK had budgeting for one conflict (which was Afghanistan). The blackhole was huge, then the financial crisis, 2010 - Gov took a knife MoD. Also doesn't help with Pakistan, Iran, Russia etc undermining the effort via proxy.
I don't know what to make of it all, I mean I never bought any of the guff that came from Western governments, 'hearts and minds' and all that crap. But to see it all unfold in what, a few weeks? After Biden so confidently claimed the Afghan forces would be able to hold their own ground, it's really quite astonishing to see those so called 'forces' literally dropping their tools and defecting/running away.

Now, to see Western forces rushing to get their personnele out of there as fast as humanly possible, so they can get the hell out - it's really quite embarassing.

It's incredibly embarrassing, the regret from Biden will be huge but he can't admit it was a mistake. It'll be a stain on his presidency, the collapse is nothing short of a disaster.

I expect the narrative will now be the blame Afgan for how badly it went, once the dust settles.
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I don't think, regardless of how inept they have been, UK/US govt dont really want to be left with 0 influence in the region, so I am not sure if we will just leave the Taliban to have total control, but who knows. We didn't have a huge presence in the last few year, we had a sustainable enduring presence which obviously left us with influence. Now to make gains on that small presence we would have to fight for it if we drop Kabul, literally makes no sense.

The MSM are desperate for this "Saigon" moment, I think they are frothing at the mouth to get an image of desperate people clinging on to something, I hope they don't get it. Hyprocrites.
Did the Afghan army really just capitulate in a couple of weeks? They just ran away or got defeated? What are all the politicians going to do? Jump on a plane e for Swtizerland?

Seems like our ambassador is getting flown out tomorrow, I guess this shows the severity of the situation.
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