
When you are playing on one of the two servers they will have open for the beta there is also 10 game channels within the beta. So before me and Shayne made a party yet I couldn't see him as I was in game channel 3 and he was in channel 1, yet I could see his icon on my map.

So Each server = 10 servers in one form or another, it only takes a second to jump to another channel and you can do it as often as you like I believe. If all OCUKer's go into the same channel their might be a chance we will see each other ;) Also once the beta opens we will get a name list and we can add each other then.
Probably permanent as its a fairly in-built feature but maybe NCSoft will have some servers that this is disabled in? I think they have done it mainly to remove congestion from the maps and save them from buying 500 servers.
Ok for some crazy unknown reason the place I have pre-ordered from have given me 2 pre-order codes. Thats right !!

So I figure I might as well give it away.

With the code you get access to all Beta weekends, access to server and character pre-selection, the headstart and digital items.
Talisman of lodas (1hr +20%exp)
Dark cloudhat (attribute booster)
And a Acient Ring of Elemental effect.

I dont like this first come first serve malarky. So if you want the key email me in trust (to save clogging up the forum) with a reason as to why you want the key and why you deserve it :)

I will pick the winner at approx 11am tomorrow. This gives everyone a chance to email me :)
[timko];14388669 said:
See my post here...

...and then HURRY UP AND PREORDER if you want to have a *chance* of playing from the coming Thurs 8pm. If they don't get the key to you in time and/or you took too long in ordering then you will have to wait until round #4. See further up for the schedule I posted :)

Yes the CE version is available for preorder.

Alternatly enter my mini compedition to get a free key 2moz :D
Well my client is installed and ready, I can't wait for this, I quit wow a two months ago so I would love a new good mmo to come out.
How long do Game take to send the key out of interest?

Preordered couple of hours ago and still nothing?

Myself and a few other people I know received our keys about 2 days after placing the preorder a few weeks back. As I already posted on the previous page...

"Do it quick though as you won't get the key instantly. Either store has to submit your email to NCsoft who in turn send the key back to the store and then finally the store emails you. There will be a delay between each of those steps depending on how often then batch send info to NC to request keys and the batch send them out after they receive the keys back so hurry up and pre-order NOW"
For the people who haven't preordered already and don't have a beta key

you can buy from the ncsoft store for £35, £10 more expensive but you get sent your details instantly so you're guaranteed access to all beta's including the one on thursday
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