
Tamiya Matilda tank (1/35 scale) on its way this week. Can't wait to crack it open and make a right mess of it.
What colour are you after?

Humbrol 127 US Ghost Grey - either Revell or Tamiya alternative, prefer Revell (aqua acrylics)
Humbrol 64 Light Grey same as above - you would think revell light grey would match but its almost white and that cant be right.

If i cant find anything ill have to bite the bullet and buy a set of humbrols even though they dont brush very well.
Yea ive checked that, its usually pretty good, but for the 2 colours it doesnt seem to offer the right one for revell, or at least it doesnt look like the right colour once painted.
Stunning! I could look at them all day :D I love how you display them. You must have an amazing collection. Makes me want to go get some and relive my youth. Can you recommend a good challenging kit? I know I wouldn't achieve your results but it just makes me want to have a go :D
Cosmic the Eduard Spitfire Mk IX is 1/48 scale and was a lovely model to build, thoroughly enjoyed it. Its challanging, but 100% doable.
That's for the profipack which includes photoetch for the cockpit as well as a few other bits. Also includes a canopy mask which was very useful.
Awesome skills there pm. Loving the MiG too. 23 or 27 ?

That's a MiG-23, you can tell the difference between that and -27 from the shape of the nose. The -23 has a pointed radome housing a fire control radar, whereas the -27 has a sort of flat ducks's bill type nose, that houses a laser range finder/ designator for ground targets, seeing as the -27 was a dedicated close air support aircraft, and the -23 an interceptor/ air superiority fighter.

Sorry :( [/plane geek]
You know the only problem looking at other peoples work, it makes you realise just how sub par your own work is compared to them :(

While im here, if anyone can help finding a revell alternative to humbrol 127 and 64 i would be most greatful for my merlin hc.3 - according to most sources 127 says medium grey for revell, but thats just plain grey, where as the cabin is almost blueish, hate models at times hehe.
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