Are you doing anime stuff or conventional warships?
Great! I might have to get a battleship next...
Are you getting an airbrush?
Please report back what the Tamiya sprays are like as I'm considering getting one for my tank, meaning I won't need to brush paint or get an airbrush. I'd like to know if they coat well and still show the fine details.
Thank you!
I haven't primed it as the shop didn't have any in stock. I've started the exhaust and track sections with Tamiya's metallic grey and they've taken perfectly, it's the Desert Yellow that won't give a nice finish (I've done a small, tester section in four coats now and it's not an acceptable finish). I'll get some primer and Vallejo or GW stuff.
I'm looking at airbrushing videos with envy now.
First stab at the (tiny!) exhaust system. I haven't got any washy/weathering/rusty stuff so just used my brown, red and silver: bit too red do you think?
Oh wow /\ she is going to be a beauty. If you can, can you update us paint at a time so to speak, so we can see how you do it. I want to try and crack on with some of mine, but I think I will start small to begin with. I've got a couple of 1:48 Tamiya Mustangs in process but I'm struggling a little with the airframe aluminium. It's always been difficult to spray on. I'm trying Alclads for the first time too.