Akasa Eclipse 62's Club... Desktop & Machines.

Mines came with one hole as well, i just used the tray from my old Eclipse. I wonder why they only have one hole in them now.

ahh right, I'll put all my toys back in the pram then :o

They may have thought it was more aesthetically pleasing? I prefer the holes.......thats what i say to all the ladies.
Will cool your Eclipse by about 4-5c, good side panel to have...

Sounds good, thanks:) Btw, is it best to have that fan blowing air in?

I see you have the window panel, why not just cut a hole out of that and use a 120mm fan with a grill??. That is what i done with my window, theres a pic just a few posts up. But with the 120mm fan on the side panel it does lower the temps quite a bit. So with the akasa pre cut panel i would imagine it would be the same.

TBH, i wouldn't even know where to start with that, I'd probably make a proper mess of it:D Thats why I started looking at the other panel, at least it saves you the grief!
Mines came with one hole as well, i just used the tray from my old Eclipse. I wonder why they only have one hole in them now.

I would also like to know why they changed it from 3 holes to 1 hole on the MB tray, I noticed that they changed the design in the last 12 months with the Eclipse's, wish I kept my old Eclipse MB tray now...:(
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I bet akasa UK could source you one for very little. they are very helpful with spares, Just don't ask them why its changed as I guarantee they don't know. They are just the monkey to a large Taiwanese organ grinder.
I bet akasa UK could source you one for very little. they are very helpful with spares, Just don't ask them why its changed as I guarantee they don't know. They are just the monkey to a large Taiwanese organ grinder.

Will email them when I finish work, fingers crossed they might have one...
I would also like to know why they changed it from 3 holes to 1 hole on the MB tray, I noticed that they changed the design in the last 12 months with the Eclipse's, wish I kept my old Eclipse MB tray now...:(

Yeah, it's a bit crazy to just stop cutting them out and just leave one hole, which is pointless anyway since that hole never gets used since it's blocked by the motherboard.
only thing i dislike about my eclipse was i got one of the later revisions with lacking motherboard holes, still nothing a dremel wont fix...when i have a dremel and the guts to ruin that lovely motherboard tray
only thing i dislike about my eclipse was i got one of the later revisions with lacking motherboard holes, still nothing a dremel wont fix...when i have a dremel and the guts to ruin that lovely motherboard tray

Dont forget you can always get another for very little.
I see you have the window panel, why not just cut a hole out of that and use a 120mm fan with a grill??. That is what i done with my window, theres a pic just a few posts up. But with the 120mm fan on the side panel it does lower the temps quite a bit. So with the akasa pre cut panel i would imagine it would be the same.

Hi, I've since had a change of thought, is there any chance you could post the technique for cutting that hole and which tools you used for the job?
Hi, I've since had a change of thought, is there any chance you could post the technique for cutting that hole and which tools you used for the job?

Yeah sure.

Some people do it different, but here is the way i done it....

What you want to do first is cover the window in masking tape otherwise when you try to drill the hole you might put a crack through it.

Next get your fan grill, this will act as a template and place it wherever you want the fan to be. Mark the screw holes and center point with a pencil

Heres some pics of the hole cutter i used..




You can buy them in a kit very cheaply, which have all the things you need and can be attached to any drill. Now drill out the four screw holes and fan hole and make sure when you drilling the fan hole to line up the center point with the drill. When you start to drill make sure you do it VERY slowly.

It's not really that hard. You will find it's actually easier than you think. If you need any more help just ask :).
you sir are a genius:D, thank you very much, I never thought about a hole cutter!:o

One other nooblet question, how big where the screws and did you use something like locknuts or the butterfly type nuts?
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you sir are a genius:D, thank you very much, I never thought about a hole cutter!:o

One other nooblet question, how big where the screws and did you use something like locknuts or the butterfly type nuts?

No problem, glad i can help :).

The screws i used are the self-tapping screws which are commonly used for fans, but you can use any type you like as long as the fan is secure that's all that matters. I've seen some people use the butterfly nuts, but i preferr the self-tapping screw becasue they prevent any vibrations.

Also a thing to note when using the self-tapping screws when your screwing them into the plastic do it very slowly, i nearly cracked mines doing it too fast. Also when your drilling the holes for the screws, don't make them too big.

Heres a pic of the self-tapping screws, you've probably used them before...

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The two panels Akasa provide with the Eclipse a clear panel with a 120mm fan would be a welcome addition, with my history in DIY I dread to think what my panel would look like if I gave it a go... "TheMagic1an" nice work M8.
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