Akasa Eclipse 62's Club... Desktop & Machines.

screws but really you should bungee mod the hdd's look at what I did simple sewing machine elastic does the job
Nice setup setter...
Thanks bfg. Still have to get a few things such as new fans. and ive got a side window panel coming next week (at last theyre in stock) I may contact akasa uk to see if i can get one of the earlier model motherboard trays with the 3 holes, as it would make cable tidying so much easier. Gonna go with an all black theme for any visible cables as i have a load of black sata cables and an ide cable from my old 680i mobo that were never used.
Thanks bfg. Still have to get a few things such as new fans. and ive got a side window panel coming next week (at last theyre in stock) I may contact akasa uk to see if i can get one of the earlier model motherboard trays with the 3 holes, as it would make cable tidying so much easier. Gonna go with an all black theme for any visible cables as i have a load of black sata cables and an ide cable from my old 680i mobo that were never used.

A lot of good ideas there, the old Akasa MB trays will definetly help with cable management, looking to get one myself... looking forward to seeing how you get on with your proposed changes, don't forget the pic's...;):D
@TheMagic1an, I installed the fan this afternoon and ran PRIME95 for 45 minutes, temps didn't go above 60 Degrees even in this heat, so I'm a pretty happy man, thanks for the advice:D

Thats a very good result considering the hot weather we are having..:cool: (Pic's) ;)
I think they should start selling omega top side and front panels tbh mind you probably cheaper to sell the eclipse and get the omega.
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Can anyone post more pics of the omega more detailed top area pics how does the top come off it's on a hinge ? how do the 2 fans fit ? doesn't it mean there's no room for cables at the back of the power supply ? Is it just an eclipse top with a rectangular fan mount cut out ?
any chance of adding omega to this thread title ?
Ok, here are some images from my phone, I apologize about the quality..

Not the neatest but pretty good for me;)
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Ok, here are some images from my phone, I apologize about the quality..

Not the neatest but pretty good for me;)

Looks great, the picture quality is fine, i've seen worse :p. Your case is actually pretty tidy, all you need to do is tie some of those loose cables together and it would look great.

Nice work.
thanks lads, good to hear it, it was actually a lot worse before the bay removal and airflow improving tidy up.:)

the bit that lets it down are the front panel connections, and a few other cables but thankfully you cant see much of those;)
hope u dont take this the wrong way, im jsut trying to decide between one of these and a
http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showp...i PC-V2110B Aluminium Super Ful Tower - Black

But what makes these cases so good?

I mean, its black inside which is nice, the mobo tray is shiny, not a good idea imo (reflects heat) , the layout is nothing special the hd/dvd driver holder is basic, not even rails, the psus top mounting only... now i realise the lan li one is a lot more, but the A71 isnt, which is a nice design im considering too(especially not when u have bought fans for the akasa.

Believe me, its not a bad case, i just dont understand why its so highly regarded am i missing something? I want to like it a lot more than i do :) cuz of the black insides. So i think i must be missing something?
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