At what point do they stop though Baz?
It's now been 23 years. It must come to a point where memorials stop. My Grandad's 16 year old sister was killed in the 1943 bethnal green tube disaster. He never once asked for a day off work on the anniversary. 2 reasons. 1, he knew that being an everyday worker, he wouldn't be allowed and 2, he didn't feel it was good for him to grieve and relive sad memories all the time.
If the fans want to do it, then I agree it's their choice and it should be respected, but there comes a time when people need to move on.
It is absolutely the fans right to grieve and respect those that fell in the Hillsborough disaster. Its also Liverpools right to hold a memorial on that day.
People need to get a grip and instead of asking "how long?" maybe they should look at themselves and think....its only a football game.
Alan Davies is a grade A tool who speaks utter nonsence at the best of times but he really has excelled himself.
While people like myself support the fight for justice this wont stop, couldnt really care what some second rate comedian thinks.