Its not worth moving from Zen 3 to ADL, i also don't like the 12900K vs the 5950X, that is just Intel pressing the "I'm desperate and this all i can do button"
But the 12700 and by extension the 12600 series, i do think they are better CPU's than the AMD counter parts.
That's not a killer for me, it runs fine with DDR4 and my existing cooler can handle the 12700K more than fine, its the cooler i see a lot of people getting for the 12900K and it can handle that very well.
The gaming performance is much of a muchness to me they are about the same, i see people posting Cyberpunk 2077 results over and over again like they are the be all and end all.... trying to use them as if they make some wider point about smoothness, its all strawman crap where there is no need for it.
The productivity is much better on the 12700K, while that's not the main reason for choosing a CPU, gaming is and that at least is as good; actually a little better on the 12700K, that productivity just adds to the overall package, The power consumption is a lot higher but it is not horrendous, i'm comfortable with where it is, just.
12700K, great CPU.