If you're disappointed that he didn't die slowly enough, then I agree completely.
I`m happy any time a kid from the midlands gets a role over the usual suspects from the US
If you're disappointed that he didn't die slowly enough, then I agree completely.
Oscar nominated for best visual effects!!
It deserves it, the practical effects are fantastic.
They actually even went back and fixed the Ian Holm scenes that had some dodgy CGI:
Alien: Romulus Improved One of Its Most Controversial Scenes for Home Release
Director Fede Alvarez confirmed the visual effects of Ian Holm's android have been changed post release.gizmodo.com
That really needed fixing, it looked 2d at times depending on the angle.
Honestly that was my biggest gripe with the movie, it was utterly stunning from a visual perspective otherwise. Even compared to movies with far, far larger budgets, Romulus cost 80 million USD -- aka a fraction of most cinematic releases and even higher profile tv shows.
I totally get the complaints people have for the story and pacing etc, but from a visual standpoint on a proverbial shoestring budget compared to other cinematic releases? It absolutely deserves praise for the visual effects, frankly I cannot think of a movie that comes close during that year and many that eked an inch toward it cost double to triple.
Before and after, does look a bit better.