dmpoole you should
read this - it explains many of your posts! The question is do you know you're doing it?
I can consistently address all of the ill thought out issues you raise precisely because they ARE ill thought out... but you just come back with 10 more. You just wear me out. However, one last time...
500 different shapes huh? Can you even name 50 different shapes? No - I didn't think so, stop making up ridiculous unsubstantiated facts and pretending there is an ounce of truth to them. Quite frankly your "main problem" changes with every post, which pretty much makes what you say worthless.
Next... 1 in 200 people accurately report what they saw. Okay, to explain this one I'm going to draw your attention to a man called Dr. Richard Haines who in his own words
(at 1:47:55 on this video) :
"[was] a NASA research scientist uhh.. since the mid 60's. I started my research in the area of visual perception and optics and lighting... and studying some problems for the uh... Gemini Program - a 2 man capsule program that was orbital. And during the ah... umm... early stages, of that research I had a laboratory, which would allow me to simulate the way things looked to the astronauts in outer space. And ahh... I could totally fool the observer. I could set up a situation that he or she could NOT accurately describe. The sh-shape and size and distance of targets would just be under my control. I could set up a triangular shaped target and what you would see was a circle. I could set up a rectangle - a 4 to 1 rectangle - and you would see a hotdog because of light scatter within the human eye.
Well I set out to disprove UFO ahh... as anything mystical or ahh... very, very strange because I was able to do this in the laboratory. I could ahh... allow you to misidentify something and so I set out to disprove the whole thing as a skeptic. Well it wasn't very long before I realised that, I was wrong, that in fact these objects are not misidentified natural phenomena. Some of them are - but not very many and one thing led to another and I was uhh... led into talking to pilots and I've been specialising in pilot sightings ever since."
humm.. who do I believe. The BBC world renowned expert investigators *cough* or a NASA scientist whose job it was to disprove UFOs as natural phenomena and tricks of the mind? Let me see...
Again the whole video is here for anyone who is interested.
In the future don't take my lack of response to dmpoole as him having a point. It's just that I no longer have the energy answer his pointless conjecture.