Aliens and UFOs explained on Google Video

Richdog said:
So considering how old the universe is... and how young humanity is... you don't think that if there are other civilisations out there, that they won't have been around a lot longer than us? And that their science exceeds ours by multiples of thousands?

Quite possibly, but don't forget about what you just said about how old the universe is. It's likely that other civilisations may not even be passed a sort of prehistoric age yet. Others may of died out 2 billion years ago.

There are two factors that attribute to the likelyhood of an alien race visiting our planet.

1.) The aliens would have to own extremely sophisticated technology, with the ability to survive on a spacecraft for many many years, have the ability to travel at the speed of light, or have somehow created another form of interstellar travel.

All possible, but occuring within a decent distance from Earth? Highly unlikely.

2.) The alien race that visit us must be within the same timescale as us. There is a good chance that a few planets within 10 light years of Earth, can harbor life. But they would need to be on a similar evolutionary scale as us. That's two civilisations existing in the same era amongst billions and billions of years. Again, the odds are massive.

It's possible, because the theory is there. But the actual odds of it happening are colossally stacked against us. The distances are so vast, the time scales are so huge, it overshadows the feasibility IMO.
Haven't read through this thread but the subject is very familiar. 99% of all UFO sightings are actually just government (primarily US government) experimental aircrafts. Most people don't know that there is a 12 year gap between what the government/military have developed and what the public know about. I know all about what actually happened at Roswell and would be happy to expand if anyone is interested (and if this exact same thing hasn't been said earlier in the thread :p).
naffa said:
I know all about what actually happened at Roswell and would be happy to expand if anyone is interested (and if this exact same thing hasn't been said earlier in the thread :p).

It was a pre-production Pod :D
(electronics were bigger then).
naffa said:
I know all about what actually happened at Roswell and would be happy to expand if anyone is interested (and if this exact same thing hasn't been said earlier in the thread :p).

Please... expand... and also explain how it s you know exactly what happened at Roswell. :)
Richdog said:
Please... expand... and also explain how it s you know exactly what happened at Roswell. :)

I'd like to know how many internet stories you've read and what you think happened.

(BTW, the scene in Independence Day with Data from Star Trek was fiction)
dmpoole said:
I'd like to know how many internet stories you've read and what you think happened.

(BTW, the scene in Independence Day with Data from Star Trek was fiction)

dmpoole you seem to have the wrong impression... i'm not a UFO nut and I don't go around reading lots of stories... i'm just not a close-minded neanderthal. No offence.

naffa... still waiting for that explanation. :p
I don't think you're going to get a satisfactory explanation. Books have been written about the Roswell incident both for and against the popular explanation. One thing is for sure, anyone who says Roswell has been proven one way or another or anyone who claims to know exactly what happened was either there and saw it for themselves, or is mistaken.
ritcH said:
I don't think you're going to get a satisfactory explanation. Books have been written about the Roswell incident both for and against the popular explanation. One thing is for sure, anyone who says Roswell has been proven one way or another or anyone who claims to know exactly what happened was either there and saw it for themselves, or is mistaken.

lol of course I won't get a satisfactory explanation... for someone to say they know exactly what happened is ludicrous. :D
Richdog said:
lol of course I won't get a satisfactory explanation... for someone to say they know exactly what happened is ludicrous. :D

A weather balloon crashed and the story got exaggerated as usual.
At the time Adamski had shown his flying saucers (proved to be false decades later) and America had gone UFO crazy. Anything like this was bound to stir up the imagination.
I just think Area 51 is full of America's top military secrets. They want their advanced spy-planes and arms development programs hidden from the world. People mistake that secrecy as, 'OMG they have the aliens locked up!'
iCraig said:
I just think Area 51 is full of America's top military secrets. They want their advanced spy-planes and arms development programs hidden from the world. People mistake that secrecy as, 'OMG they have the aliens locked up!'

Its called misinformation.
They prefer you to think that there are aliens there and not concentrate on what they're really getting up to.
dmpoole said:
Its called misinformation.
They prefer you to think that there are aliens there and not concentrate on what they're really getting up to.

So you at least admit to the fact that the government lie. Or as they like to put it, keep things secret due to the "threat to National Security".

Steven Greer presented around 15 members, all ex military and alike to share their experiences and vow to swear under oath to their testaments.

It takes some steel to stand up and potentially face redicule from your family and friends and the possibility being discredited by your former employer due to you admitting to such outlandish claims. In the face of that, these individuals and many others still stand up.

Are UFO's real... who knows. The Universe is around 14 billion years old and Earth only 4 billion years old. Someone somewhere my have a headstart. Could evolution be accelerated in other parts of the cosmos due to maybe more suitable conditions, who knows, the truth is our generation will never know!!
-|ScottFree|- said:
So you at least admit to the fact that the government lie. Or as they like to put it, keep things secret due to the "threat to National Security".

Don't you follow politics because we have the biggest liar in our Government ever and thats why I'll never vote for anybody.

And Steven Greer - its about the money.
NathanE said:
Steven Greer.. lol... Have you tried Googling his name?

Hmm - wonder how much he makes?

Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications by Steven M. Greer
Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History by Steven M. Greer
Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge by Steven M. Greer

(Mind you he has wrote some good books for the medical world)
So what if some people make a bit of money from the subject they're interested in and work on, you'd think it was a bad thing the way some go on, they try to question the reputation of the person while ignoring the information as to somehow discredit the subject itself, many people like to make a bit of money on the side but its not like anyone has to buy anything.
Sorry about the delayed explanation. :)

Basically, this is what happened (ok, in my view :p) back at the Roswell Incident in 1947. The alleged crash of an alien spaceship. As we all know this incident and the site is the shrine to millions of UFO-conspiracy theorists. What I believe to have happened is no more than a military accident. An accident that happened during a classified operation called 'Project Mogul' - the flight test of a spy balloon being designed to listen in on Russian atomic tests. A prototype, while being tested, had drifted off course and crashed in the New Mexico desert. 'Unfortunately' a civilian found the wreckage before the military did. A rancher, William Brazel had stumbled across a debris field of radical synthesized neoprene and lightweight metals unlike anything he'd ever seen. He immediately called the sheriff. As you'd assume, the newspapers got their hands on this and blew it way out of proportion. Fueled by the military's denial that the wreckage was theirs, reporters launched investigations, and the covert status of Project Mogul came into serious jeopardy. Just as it seemed the sensitive issue of a spy balloon was about to be revealed... Something wonderful happened. :p The media drew an unexpected conclusion, they decided the scraps of futuristic substance could only have come from an extraterrestrial source. Creatures more advanced than us. The military's denial of the incident obviously had to be one thing only - a cover up of contact with aliens! Although baffled by this new idea, they grabbed the story and ran with it. The world's suspicion that aliens were visiting New Mexico was far less a threat to national security than that of the Russians catching wind of Project Mogul. To fuel the alien cover story, the American intelligence community shrouded the Roswell incident in secrecy and began orchestrating 'security leaks' - quiet murmurings (sp?) of alien contacts, recovered spaceships and even a mysterious 'Hangar 18' at Dayton's Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (I think that's right) where the government was keeping alien bodies on ice. From then on whenever a civilian mistakenly spotted an advanced U.S. military aircraft, the intelligence community simply dusted off the old conspiracy. Every time the media reported a sudden flurry of UFO sightings, chances are some lucky average Joe caught sight of one of the NRO's fifty-seven fast moving, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft known as Global Hawks - oblong, remote-controlled aircraft that looked like nothing else in the sky. :cool: (And yes, they are real). Occasionally indisputable proof was captured on video of a UFO. Bright lights flitting around the sky with more maneuverability and speed than any aircraft humans had ever built. What these people didn't know, and what I mentioned above, was that there was a twelve year lag between what the government could build and what the public knew about. These 'UFO-gazers' were simply catching a glimpse of next generation U.S. military aircraft being developed out at Area 51. Of course intelligence officials would never correct the mistake. It was obviously preferable that the world read about another UFO sighting than to have people learn about the U.S. military's true flight capabilities.

There ya go. :D
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