** ALL NEW (WITH RULES) Summer Transfer Window 2012/2013 Season Rumours/Signings **

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6 Jun 2005
Jonny Evans to be offered a new 5-year contract , £65k a week


If he has got two years left thats a little early I would have thought, but its not surprising, he has been playing well this season (with a more mature centre half with him at least

(edit Im nearly as sick of seeing Huntelaar being linked with a move to Utd as I am with Sneijder being mentioned, for right or wrong I dont think SAF has ever shown that much interest in him)
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22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
edit Im nearly as sick of seeing Huntelaar being linked with a move to Utd as I am with Sneijder being mentioned, for right or wrong I dont think SAF has ever shown that much interest in him

well he's in great goal scoring form this season and it looks increasingly likely that we'll be a striker down next season so you know the media put 2 and 2 together.....

If we do sign another striker I reckon the reports earlier in the season regarding van wolfswinkel may be closer to the truth though, seems like a United type of signing and to go with his quite brilliant name he did look pretty good against City last week (shouldn't break the bank either).
16 Feb 2009
Every time I've sat and watched Huntelaar he's been rubbish but he's already on over 30 for the season so he must be fairrrrrrrrly handy :p
22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
Every time I've sat and watched Huntelaar he's been rubbish but he's already on over 30 for the season so he must be fairrrrrrrrly handy :p

No he's not. Since leaving Ajax he's been mostly crap (at Real and Milan). The move to Schalke has reinvigorated him but it also kinda suggests he prefers being the big fish in the little pond so to speak.

Like Frank said though its a non story.
18 Oct 2002
8 in 13 starts at Real and 7 in 11 for Milan, he wasn't even slightly crap at either club. Just timing, Real bought other strikers who cost more plus the politics of new managers, presidents, buying huge and having to put people in the first team and players getting lost in the mix.

VDV, Sneijder, huntelaar, Robben and frankly a couple dozen other decent to fantastic players have left clubs despite being very good.

In fact most of those were all gotten rid of at the same time in the season Real also spent 253million .... coincidence, no. They got rid of 3 very very good players for relatively decent fee's to get a bit of money together quickly to help fund and make space for a truly epic transfer window.

Again at Milan he didn't really get a fair chance and pretty much was sold to help free up wages and make a little cash to buy in other strikers.
18 Oct 2002
Seems highly unlikely, Krul a good choice for long term replacement for Cech, sure, the question would be how much do Chelsea want to spend in one transfer window/year, and if the money is best spent on huge improvements say on the wings/right back/AMC, or a minor improvement in goal.

Of course wage wise shifting Cech and getting Krul on a wage probably less than half could be a start of Chelsea replacing people with lower wage players to get within FFP long term.

Meh, Tiote would be a very good option for them, again Tiote on say 50-60k a week vs Essien who has been crap for going on 3 years, and is probably on well over 100k a week.

Nothing wrong with Newcastle being a selling club, get 40mil, buy a couple 10mil more established players to replace them and spend another 20mil on a few younger/promising players in positions you need to strengthen.
24 May 2009
North East
I would like to keep but yeah if we can get 40mill and reinvest some I wouldn't complain too much.

As usual though it comes down to how willing Cashley would be to spend as we need to add to the squad not sell. Really we need another striker, a right mid, a CB and a FB.
6 Jun 2005
Not sure why Newcastle would sell two of their big stars to a close rival without an obscene offer being put in.

£40m may appear to be a lot of money, but getting a team that works as well together as Newcastle are currently is worth more than money. They may well be making massive profits on both players, but not everyone can push them into European places that those two players should be able to be a part of.

Never been a fan of Newcastle since Shearer was there, but they need strengthening in a few places - rather ripping two vital cogs out of the heart of the 1st team imo

If they sell one player to get two or three in - then fair play, I would keep Krul only because imo its much harder to replace a decent gk (no disrespect to Tiote, who I think is a great player for NUFC)
22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
8 in 13 starts at Real and 7 in 11 for Milan, he wasn't even slightly crap at either club.

Once again you're relying on stats to argue your case and as for those stats they're skewered as well as those goals didn't come in those starts as for example his first goal for Milan came coming on as a sub. His record reads;

Real Madrid
Appearances: 20
Goals: 8

AC Milan
Appearances: 25
Goals: 7

Ever come to wonder why these clubs bought him, sold him a year later and didn't play him more in-between?
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Huntelaar would be a fair Berbatov replacement.

I want Hazard. :(

Hazard is going to City end of, seeing as Mancini and co have registered their interest in him. Spurs still want him but i cant see him going there if City are putting in a bid and Lille will be rubbing their hands in glee because they can now jack the price on Hazard to something stupid all because of City's interest in him...not saying it will happen but it could very well happen.
22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
Hazard is going to City end of, seeing as Mancini and co have registered their interest in him. Spurs still want him but i cant see him going there if City are putting in a bid and Lille will be rubbing their hands in glee because they can now jack the price on Hazard to something stupid all because of City's interest in him...not saying it will happen but it could very well happen.

Actually you kinda are :p

tbh I've thought for a while now Hazard was odds on to go to Real Madrid and I still think that will be the case. It's no surprise though that after Fergie is been seen watching Hazard play no sooner does Mancini go to scout him again. So that's both Gaitan and Hazard now, we should go and watch SWP play and see if Mancini goes to watch him as well :p
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