Almost bought a XB1 for GOW

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Dear lord this forum has become touchy, damn grammar nazis.
It's make me wonder why bother posting threads or replies if you're just going to be bombarded with nit pickers, probably find more help on the gaf.

It's a forum people, not an english lesson.
Dear lord this forum has become touchy, damn grammar nazis.
It's make me wonder why bother posting threads or replies if you're just going to be bombarded with nit pickers, probably find more help on the gaf.

It's a forum people, not an english lesson.

Indeed, some need to get a life. :( Especially if they find some random on the internet posting incorrect grammar/spelling just soo annoying.
Dear lord this forum has become touchy, damn grammar nazis.
It's make me wonder why bother posting threads or replies if you're just going to be bombarded with nit pickers, probably find more help on the gaf.

It's a forum people, not an english lesson.

So if someone repeatedly said SIL instead of SLI, would you let it slide???

Or Motherbored?
Dear lord this forum has brecome touchy, damn grammar nazis.
It's make me wonder why bother posting threads or replies if you're just going to be brombrarded with nit pickers, probably find more help on the gaf.

It's a forum people, not an english lesson.

It's only brecause it's such a brasic mistake they point it out. You can get away without capitalisation or punctuation most times.

But I agree, there's no need to breat them up abrout it.
So if someone repeatedly said SIL instead of SLI, would you let it slide???

Or Motherbored?

In how many other threads or posts has the OP made this mistake, other than the one in this thread? Did it warrant the complete bashing that a lot of you gave him here?

There is being slightly annoyed with a mistake of others and moving on with your life, then there is just being overly pedantic for the sake of your own ego.
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In how many other threads or posts has the OP made this mistake, other than the one in this thread? Did it warrant the complete bashing that a lot of you gave him here?

There is being slightly annoyed with a mistake of others and moving on with your life, then there is just be overly pedantic for the sake of your own ego.

Fair point.
I was always taught to use two spaces after a full stop, but I do not know the reason.

I agree; grammar and punctuation is terrible these days and there is no excuse with every device being qwerty. It's purely down to laziness.

The two spaces thing is spill over from the day of typewriters where every letter had fixed kerning (space between letters) the extra space after a full stop made it easier to see where a new sentence began. It's no longer necessary as most modern fonts have additional space after the full stop character.
The two spaces thing is spill over from the day of typewriters where every letter had fixed kerning (space between letters) the extra space after a full stop made it easier to see where a new sentence began. It's no longer necessary as most modern fonts have additional space after the full stop character.

Whether or not it's required it's still the accepted norm. Rules of grammar and punctuation are somewhat arbitrary though, I agree.
So if someone repeatedly said SIL instead of SLI, would you let it slide???

Or Motherbored?

Yes. It would probably be pointed out a couple of times to them but not in the insane way the grammar nazis in this thread having been doing it. No one would lose any sleep over it.

Go take a look in General Hardware at the spelling in some of those posts and hardly not a single beration of the offender.

Come on guys, seriously now get over yourselves. If the words used incorrectly upset you to such a degree you really all need to take a hard look at what is missing in your life. Cause something has to be missing.
The two spaces thing is spill over from the day of typewriters where every letter had fixed kerning (space between letters) the extra space after a full stop made it easier to see where a new sentence began. It's no longer necessary as most modern fonts have additional space after the full stop character.

I never knew that, I remember being taught the two space rule years ago.
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It's more amusing that he bought an 8 year old game for £12, that's due for re-release any week now with completely overhauled graphics, cutscenes and revised multiplayer.
It's more amusing that he bought an 8 year old game for £12, that's due for re-release any week now with completely overhauled graphics, cutscenes and revised multiplayer.

oh lordy - in all the madness that has ensued in this thread I did not realise that! I thought he was talking about the re-mastered version, and couldn't figure how he had got his hands on it!!

but he's actually just bought the original game??

damn. not only was he drunk when posting, but drunk when buying I guess! :p
It's more amusing that he bought an 8 year old game for £12, that's due for re-release any week now with completely overhauled graphics, cutscenes and revised multiplayer.


I didn't realise this either lol, I thought it was already released.
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So if someone repeatedly said SIL instead of SLI, would you let it slide???

Or Motherbored?

Yes, I really don't care how anybody communicates as long as I get the idea of what they have to say and I understand their point.

Do you make a point and correcting somebody who posts on a forum when their native language is not English?

You have no idea of the person behind the keyboard.

I am severely sight impaired, I am make mistakes all the time, in fact I can only use a keyboard and a 27" monitor or speech rec. However, I am not Lazy (as someone stated) or an idiot.

I had many speech recognition projects under my belt during my career where we had to test regional dialects so the system would function. Both regionally and globally. As long as we understood what people where saying in a roundabout way then the systems would work. Making allowance for others is part of how it works.

I like to think I am totally inclusive when it comes to getting your point across, both verbally and written. Spelling mistake? Don't care, wrong syntax, don't care, misuse of words? don't care..... As long as I know what you mean I will reply, if I don't I will ask you to explain, then reply.

This is a PC Gaming forum after all!
People on these forums have nothing else better to do than point out others spelling or grammar mistakes and derail the whole thread about it. Reason?!?!! Because they are sad and have nothing else better in their lives to do than run other people down to make themselves feel better.
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Yes, I really don't care how anybody communicates as long as I get the idea of what they have to say and I understand their point.

Do you make a point and correcting somebody who posts on a forum when their native language is not English?

You have no idea of the person behind the keyboard.

I am severely sight impaired, I am make mistakes all the time, in fact I can only use a keyboard and a 27" monitor or speech rec. However, I am not Lazy (as someone stated) or an idiot.

I had many speech recognition projects under my belt during my career where we had to test regional dialects so the system would function. Both regionally and globally. As long as we understood what people where saying in a roundabout way then the systems would work. Making allowance for others is part of how it works.

I like to think I am totally inclusive when it comes to getting your point across, both verbally and written. Spelling mistake? Don't care, wrong syntax, don't care, misuse of words? don't care..... As long as I know what you mean I will reply, if I don't I will ask you to explain, then reply.

This is a PC Gaming forum after all!

No because that's not what I'm saying and I have already that I'm not some typo/grammar nazi.

Brought vs bought just irritates me because it is so common.

I bet if we we face to face this would make an interesting conversation. I'm not trying to be malicious or condescending, I just get wound up by this really common mistake.
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No because that's not what I'm saying and I have already that I'm not some typo/grammar nazi.

Brought vs bought just irritates me because it is so common.

I bet if we we face to face this would make an interesting conversation. I'm not trying to be malicious or condescending, I just get wound up by this really common mistake.

That is my point dude.

Regardless of how it irritates you (and others it seems) making allowances for others and the sensibilities of others should be the foremost in everybody's mind IMO. You understood it enough to comment but why comment? He asked a question about a PC game after all.

We all knew what the OP meant and thus understanding was there. Instead it is now three pages of argument and counter augment on the correct use or not correct use of Bought....

Just saying....
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