Almost bought a XB1 for GOW

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That is my point dude.

Regardless of how it irritates you (and others it seems) making allowances for others and the sensibilities of others should be the foremost in everybody's mind IMO. You understood it enough to comment but why comment? He asked a question about a PC game after all.

We all knew what the OP meant and thus understanding was there. Instead it is now three pages of argument and counter augment on the correct use or not correct use of Bought....

Just saying....

exactly. folks need to get over themselves. anyway think we should really get this thread back on track before it is closed!

so - shall we now return to berating the OP for drunkenly buying an 8 year old game when the re-mastered version is due out soon :p
It's not like people are picking apart every aspect of the OP's post (or tediously correcting every aspect of their usage of English). There's a world of difference between pointing out a common lazy error and the utter pedantry that people seem to be assuming is going on.
All the OP did is buy a pirated version of the game its not sold digitally anywhere anymore :rolleyes:

Should have legally bought the UK retail version used for the same price the DRM on that is reuseable its not tied to 1 account but after 15 serial key uses you need to buy another GFWL game from 2007-2009 any GFWL game cheap & reuse that serial key. The serial key only needs rentering when you reinstall the game or reinstall your OS but this game also has an excessive anti-cheat detector which means any ini file editing breaks the achievements system so it then needs a reinstall.
It's not like people are picking apart every aspect of the OP's post (or tediously correcting every aspect of their usage of English). There's a world of difference between pointing out a common lazy error and the utter pedantry that people seem to be assuming is going on.

Precisely my point.

If I kept using the wrong word (I used to write SLi instead of SLI), I'd want to be corrected.
You said it again..... lazy

You do not know if the OP's native language is English.

You do not know if the OP, like me, has sight issues and all the crap that that entails. Speech recognition is a **** sometimes.

You do not know if the OP has learning difficulties.

You do not know if the OP is semi illiterate.

It was perfectly clear to me what he was saying.... Yet you call him and I suspect many others who use wrong words, lazy....

Get a life.
Lots of counter-retards in this thread.

There is no grammatical error in the OP
There is no spelling mistake in the OP

What there is, is a fundamental lack of understanding of how to communicate a certain idea using the English language. The idea is the conveyance of intent to purchase an item, using the past participle of the verb "buy". The OP got it very wrong, and probably does so verbally as well.

There was a topic about this before. The OP has received an appropriate amount of mockery for such a grievance on the English language.
Lots of counter-retards in this thread.

There is no grammatical error in the OP
There is no spelling mistake in the OP

What there is, is a fundamental lack of understanding of how to communicate a certain idea using the English language. The idea is the conveyance of intent to purchase an item, using the past participle of the verb "buy". The OP got it very wrong, and probably does so verbally as well.

There was a topic about this before. The OP has received an appropriate amount of mockery for such a grievance on the English language.


Perhaps it's time to close the thread though as we're going round in circles.
You said it again..... lazy

You do not know if the OP's native language is English.

You do not know if the OP, like me, has sight issues and all the crap that that entails. Speech recognition is a **** sometimes.

You do not know if the OP has learning difficulties.

You do not know if the OP is semi illiterate.

It was perfectly clear to me what he was saying.... Yet you call him and I suspect many others who use wrong words, lazy....

Get a life.

Correct, I'm wrongly assuming. However, like I say, I didn't just decide to pick on that post as if it were the first time I'd ever seen. I see it so often that it has actually affected how I read sentences with "bought" in them. In my head I actually now read it as "brought" and have to re read it - it's usage is so common on another forum I frequent, and more often than not, it's English members in East Anglia/Midlands area.

I can make an educated guess that it is much more likely to be a cultural slang term than illiteracy...

Anyways, I appreciate how ****ed off with me and others the OP must be, so apologies for derailing your thread. Just use the correct word next time :D
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It's not like people are picking apart every aspect of the OP's post (or tediously correcting every aspect of their usage of English). There's a world of difference between pointing out a common lazy error and the utter pedantry that people seem to be assuming is going on.
perhaps you're right, pedantry is maybe a bit strong - but you know where we are coming from

Perhaps it's time to close the thread though as we're going round in circles.

yes it is time to close the thread.

but to be clear, the only reason the argument is going round in circles is because the perpetually offended/upset can't move on - must be quiet over in GD today :rolleyes:

those who seem to be getting upset at the incorrect use of the word have been asked to get over it but yet feel they keep needing to post. you know why? I do, because they have to have the last word and show how clever they are.....from the other side of a keyboard.
The rest of his post, with the exception of "a offline profile" instead of "an offline profile" seems ok and doesn't suggest dyslexia at all. As FrenchTart says, this gets said everytime someone that hasn't taken the time to correct what they're writing is pulled up for it, and it is unreasonable to assume that every single one of those people suffer from dyslexia.

Well said. By the way, there's no such word as everytime. I think you missed a space out...
The problem is, when you "let it slide" it sends the message that mistakes are acceptable, and thus the language gets diluted further and becomes unclear.

English is a fantastic language in that there are so many different words which can be used to describe almost, but not quite the same thing, with very subtle nuances and meanings. If you start abusing the language by using the wrong words, then not only does your meaning become lost (or at the very least ambiguous), but it will become more effort for people to understand you, and in some cases they just wont bother.

At what point does using the wrong word no longer become acceptable? If bought/brought is considered ok, what about trying to double click with your house? We're on a computer forum, so 90% of people would understand that I meant "mouse", but taken out of this context and you'd end up with a lot of confused stares.

"I bought you a rabbit" has an entirely different meaning to "I brought you a rabbit" (incidentally, so does "I caught you a rabbit :p").

I don't think the majority of people responding are doing so with the intention of being malicious, more just in defence of using the correct word. (bought/brought is NOT a typo - it's an ignorance of the correct word to use (for whatever reason that may be), and the only way to avoid ignorance is to be educated).

Anyway, that's enough of this toast.
The problem is, when you "let it slide" it sends the message that mistakes are acceptable, and thus the language gets diluted further and becomes unclear.

English is a fantastic language in that there are so many different words which can be used to describe almost, but not quite the same thing, with very subtle nuances and meanings. If you start abusing the language by using the wrong words, then not only does your meaning become lost (or at the very least ambiguous), but it will become more effort for people to understand you, and in some cases they just wont bother.

At what point does using the wrong word no longer become acceptable? If bought/brought is considered ok, what about trying to double click with your house? We're on a computer forum, so 90% of people would understand that I meant "mouse", but taken out of this context and you'd end up with a lot of confused stares.

"I bought you a rabbit" has an entirely different meaning to "I brought you a rabbit" (incidentally, so does "I caught you a rabbit :p").

I don't think the majority of people responding are doing so with the intention of being malicious, more just in defence of using the correct word. (bought/brought is NOT a typo - it's an ignorance of the correct word to use (for whatever reason that may be), and the only way to avoid ignorance is to be educated).

Anyway, that's enough of this toast.

This. And this is also why I said earlier, that this discussion would have been much different in person. When I wrote that I was actually concerned that the other person would take it as a threat, purely down to the digital nature of the conversation. The trouble with forums is that arguments are almost always taken as a hostility, which in the real World, they don't have to be - they are simply a means to discuss two opposing opinions.

In hindsight, my posts came across more hostile than intended, but it does just wind me up rotten when people make this mistake. It's even worse than the incorrect use of the words "there", "they're", and "their" etc. ha.

Thread title says bought?

Must have had a ninja edit...
I do like to see good grammar but come on this is the internet so you have let it slide a little otherwise you will be constantly upset.
perhaps you're right, pedantry is maybe a bit strong - but you know where we are coming from

yes it is time to close the thread.

but to be clear, the only reason the argument is going round in circles is because the perpetually offended/upset can't move on - must be quiet over in GD today :rolleyes:

those who seem to be getting upset at the incorrect use of the word have been asked to get over it but yet feel they keep needing to post. you know why? I do, because they have to have the last word and show how clever they are.....from the other side of a keyboard.

I think there are people on both sides struggling to let go :)
perhaps you're right, pedantry is maybe a bit strong - but you know where we are coming from

yes it is time to close the thread.

but to be clear, the only reason the argument is going round in circles is because the perpetually offended/upset can't move on - must be quiet over in GD today :rolleyes:

those who seem to be getting upset at the incorrect use of the word have been asked to get over it but yet feel they keep needing to post. you know why? I do, because they have to have the last word and show how clever they are.....from the other side of a keyboard.

Well said...

And I agree, this thread is going no where fast and needs to be closed. As it doesn't have any place in the gaming section of these forums.
I think there are people on both sides struggling to let go :)

touché if aimed at me, though I'm quite happy to move on but the righteous thou shalt not speak wrong crowd keep popping up ;)

anyway....irrelevant now as the thread title has been fixed. there's so much more joyous abuse can be given towards the OP for buying an 8 year old game (apparently illegally too) for 12 quid when the re-mastered version is imminent!

we can all come together on agreement on that I'm sure! :p
It wasn't aimed at you specifically :)

I'm actually surprised the game works at all given the GFWL requirement. I'm sure it was worth the purchase given the new version being out soon though ;)
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