* Alton Towers - May 18th/19th 2006 *

Just trying to work out how much to budget for.....
so £60ish for Splash Landings for one night right? Plus hotel for the other night? Food etc.....and what else am I missing? :o
Hmm right, rough half asleep guesstimate is thinking about £200ish...
Still can't say for certain I'm afraid :( It's going to be up to when I pass training at work because my income will go up more then.
Just needed a rough price to aim for, thanks :)
Ok thanks :)
Really want to come but it's at a time of the year where I think I might be in need of the cash as I'm trying to plan my future etc......all up in the air :o I'll explain at some later date :)
Piggymon said:
/intrgued ... Expect a grilling in l'pool ! :p
Lol I've probably made it sound more exciting than it is :p But I'll explain then :)

Otacon said:
If Splash Landings is worrying you, I'd be willing to wear a bikini. Doubt anyone else would get a second look :D
I think that mental image has just put me off coming :/ :p
Got my reservation through today horaaah ! :D

Made a change to the meet time , will make it 10am rather than 9.30 , The theme park itself opens at 9.30 and we also need everyone who is at SL to have brekky , check out etc etc .. this will also allow those travelling an extra 30 mins in bed :p

Everyone ok with this ?
Right, booked the B&B \o/

Some people have been keeping quiet, as apparantly all the Twins are booked, so I booked a family room - 2 more peeps can bunk with me. Females appreciated, but warned that I may start humping legs.

Conversation was most amusing. I mentioned I was 'from the internet' (couldn't resist), to the reply "ah, you're one of the overclockers". Yes indeed I am, I said - he's been reading the thread apparantly :eek:;)

I also said that Sinead was going to ask about drinking at night, and he identified her as Piggymon - excellent! :D Apparantly they have a new Weatherspoony type bar in Uttoxeter, which is nice. The wine bar is open till 1, but you need shoes, and there's a 'proper dive of a club' open until 2am.

Good to know I guess.

[edit]Haly's in with me :cool:
Right I'm in :D
I probably can't really afford it but I'll just have to make sure I sell plenty of phones and earn decent commission in time for it :p Plus I figured it'll probably be my only big expense in the first part of this year so can't not come. :)

I've got to get Splash landings sorted though :o
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